Mat Posted July 7, 2011 Posted July 7, 2011 My old implementation of a finder control like the one in Au3Info.exe has been pretty popular, so I was having a look to see if it needed any updating... And I want to offer my sincerest apologies to anyone who has used it. The code is so bad I think someone must have hijacked it as surely I can't have been THAT bad. So anyway. Here's how to do it properly.Reasons why this one is better: * Found out how to draw the inverted frame like Au3Info does (thanks Jon ) * You can now have as many of them as you want. And they can all have different icons. * No temporary files for resources, they are loaded straight from the binary. * There is some code to make sure that you never have frames left behind or not showing. It solves 99% of issues. * No globals. * Functions are now properly named. * My last one returned a dummy which you couldn't use for anything other than events. This one returns a handle * Doesn't use GUIRegisterMsg, so you can use it with this no problem * ...The only slight downfall is that, like other UDF controls, GUIGetMsg ignores it. Instead it sends notifications by WM_COMMAND messages (We all know WM_NOTIFY is a bit more work huh?). Right now there are 4, though I can add more easily enough. My favourite example is this:#include<GUIFinder.au3> $hGUI = GUICreate("_GUICtrlFinder_GetLastWnd Example", 300, 40) $hFinder = _GUICtrlFinder_Create($hGUI, 130, 4) GUISetState() GUIRegisterMsg($WM_COMMAND, "WM_COMMAND") While True $iMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $iMsg Case -3 ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd Func WM_COMMAND($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Switch _WinAPI_HiWord($wParam) Case $FN_WNDCHANGED WinSetTitle($hWnd, "", "Handle: " & _GUICtrlFinder_GetLastWnd($lParam)) Case $FN_STARTUSE WinSetTrans($hWnd, "", 150) Case $FN_ENDUSE WinSetTrans($hWnd, "", 255) WinSetTitle($hWnd, "", "_GUICtrlFinder_Create Example") EndSwitch EndFunc ;==>WM_COMMANDAs you can see, it behaves like a custom control should.DownloadIncludes examples + UDF.For those interested in implementation: It's a custom control, so I register my own window class, which stores information like icons and the last selected window using the "extra" window space, and the GetWindowLongPtr function. Most stuff is handled in the window proc, so GUIRegisterMsg is free for you to use for your own purposes.Mat madmasles and AZJIO 2 AutoIt Project Listing
AZJIO Posted July 8, 2014 Posted July 8, 2014 Add color and line thickness in the setting Global $iPENCOLOR = 0xFF Global $iPENWIDTH = 2 How do I get the icon was in the tray? I would like to capture that is called from the tray My other projects or all
Mat Posted July 9, 2014 Author Posted July 9, 2014 You could reuse bits of the code, like the handlers for WM_LBUTTONDOWN/UP and WM_MOUSEMOVE and loading resources. Would be easier to use your own hidden window, and create the tray icon using the winapi, rather than try to use AutoIt's tray item (though it may be possible to use AutoIt's with something like >this). You need a window in order to capture the mouse, I'm not sure if the window has to be visible or not. I like the idea of doing it directly from the tray though. AutoIt Project Listing
AZJIO Posted July 9, 2014 Posted July 9, 2014 I want to embed it in >CaptureText to avoid problems on Win7. Can make the first click activates the cursor, and the second click - let go. To not keep the button pressed. My other projects or all
Mat Posted July 9, 2014 Author Posted July 9, 2014 I'm at work at the moment without AutoIt, and it's a long time since I looked at this code. What you want should be possible, I'll take a quick look this afternoon when I get home. AutoIt Project Listing
czyt Posted July 9, 2014 Posted July 9, 2014 Google code was blocked by GFW.would you please add an attachment? 董小姐,你微笑的时候很美,就像安河桥下,清澈的水...
Mat Posted July 9, 2014 Author Posted July 9, 2014 If google drive is any better, then here is the link. Just in case, I have attached it here. I'll remove the attachment after a while though to save on space. AutoIt Project Listing
czyt Posted July 9, 2014 Posted July 9, 2014 (edited) Thx,Man! Edited July 9, 2014 by czyt 董小姐,你微笑的时候很美,就像安河桥下,清澈的水...
AZJIO Posted July 9, 2014 Posted July 9, 2014 Mat Similarly, My other projects or all
Mat Posted July 9, 2014 Author Posted July 9, 2014 This is sort of working. I'm not sure why it's not quite right with the window detection and setting of the cursor. expandcollapse popup#include <WinAPI.au3> #include <WinAPIShellEx.au3> #include <APIShellExConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> Global Const $ICON_ID = 102 Global Const $ICON_MESSAGE = $WM_USER + 1 Global $g__hBackupCursor = 0 Global $g__hLast = 0 Global $g__fIn = False Global $g__aRect $hGUI = GUICreate("inactive") GUISetState() $idDummy = GUICtrlCreateDummy() Local $tNID = DllStructCreate($tagNOTIFYICONDATA) OnAutoItExitRegister('OnAutoItExit') DllStructSetData($tNID, 'Size', DllStructGetSize($tNID)) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'hWnd', $hGUI) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'Flags', BitOR($NIF_ICON, $NIF_MESSAGE)) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'CallbackMessage', $ICON_MESSAGE) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'ID', $ICON_ID) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'hIcon', __GUICtrlFinder_GetDefaultResources(0)) _WinAPI_ShellNotifyIcon($NIM_ADD, $tNID) GUIRegisterMsg($ICON_MESSAGE, "IconMessage") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_MOUSEMOVE, "WinMouseMove") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_LBUTTONDOWN, "WinLButtonDown") While 1 Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ExitLoop EndSwitch WEnd Func WinLButtonDown($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $hLast If _TrayFinder_IsFinding($hWnd) Then _WinAPI_ReleaseCapture() _WinAPI_SetCursor($g__hBackupCursor) $hLast = $g__hLast If $hLast <> 0 And IsArray($g__aRect) Then If $g__fIn Then _WinAPI_PostMessage($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'Flags', $NIF_ICON) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'hIcon', __GUICtrlFinder_GetDefaultResources(0)) _WinAPI_ShellNotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, $tNID) $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hLast) If Not $hDC Then Return 0 DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "SetROP2", "HANDLE", $hDC, "int", 10) ; $R2_NOTXORPEN $hPen = _WinAPI_CreatePen($PS_SOLID, 4, 0) $hOldPen = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hPen) DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "Rectangle", "HANDLE", $hDC, "int", 2, "int", 2, "int", $g__aRect[0] - 1, "int", $g__aRect[1] - 1) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hOldPen) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPen) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hLast, $hDC) $g__aRect = 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc ;==>WinLButtonDown Func WinMouseMove($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Local $hLast If _TrayFinder_IsFinding($hWnd) Then If $g__fIn Then Return 0 $g__fIn = True Local $tPoint = _WinAPI_GetMousePos() $h = _WinAPI_WindowFromPoint($tPoint) If $h = 0 Then $fIn = False Return 0 EndIf $hLast = $g__hLast If $h <> $g__hLast Then $g__hLast = $h If $hLast <> 0 And IsArray($g__aRect) Then $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($hLast) If Not $hDC Then $fIn = False Return 0 EndIf DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "SetROP2", "HANDLE", $hDC, "int", 10) ; $R2_NOTXORPEN $hPen = _WinAPI_CreatePen($PS_SOLID, 4, 0) $hOldPen = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hPen) DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "Rectangle", "HANDLE", $hDC, "int", 2, "int", 2, "int", $g__aRect[0] - 1, "int", $g__aRect[1] - 1) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hOldPen) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPen) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($hLast, $hDC) EndIf $g__aRect = WinGetClientSize($h) If @error Then $fIn = False Return 0 EndIf $hDC = _WinAPI_GetDC($h) If Not $hDC Then $fIn = False Return 0 EndIf DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "SetROP2", "HANDLE", $hDC, "int", 10) ; $R2_NOTXORPEN $hPen = _WinAPI_CreatePen($PS_SOLID, 4, 0) $hOldPen = _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hPen) DllCall("Gdi32.dll", "int", "Rectangle", "HANDLE", $hDC, "int", 2, "int", 2, "int", $g__aRect[0] - 1, "int", $g__aRect[1] - 1) _WinAPI_SelectObject($hDC, $hOldPen) _WinAPI_DeleteObject($hPen) _WinAPI_ReleaseDC($h, $hDC) EndIf $g__fIn = False Return 0 EndIf Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>WinMouseMove Func IconMessage($hWnd, $iMsg, $wParam, $lParam) Switch $lParam Case $WM_LBUTTONUP DllStructSetData($tNID, 'Flags', $NIF_ICON) DllStructSetData($tNID, 'hIcon', __GUICtrlFinder_GetDefaultResources(1)) _WinAPI_ShellNotifyIcon($NIM_MODIFY, $tNID) $hCur = __GUICtrlFinder_GetDefaultResources(2) _WinAPI_SetCapture($hGUI) Sleep(10) $g__hBackupCursor = _WinAPI_SetCursor($hCur) ConsoleWrite("Hello, World!" & @LF) EndSwitch Return $GUI_RUNDEFMSG EndFunc ;==>IconMessage Func _TrayFinder_IsFinding($hWnd) Local $hCap = DllCall("User32.dll", "handle", "GetCapture") If @error Then Return False Return $hCap[0] = $hWnd EndFunc ;==>_TrayFinder_IsFinding Func OnAutoItExit() DllStructSetData($tNID, 'ID', $ICON_ID) _WinAPI_ShellNotifyIcon($NIM_DELETE, $tNID) __GUICtrlFinder_GetDefaultResources(-1, True) EndFunc ;==>OnAutoItExit Func __GUICtrlFinder_GetDefaultResources($iRes = -1, $fClean = False) Local Static $ahRes[3] = [0, 0, 0] ; Full, Empty, Cursor If $fClean Then _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($ahRes[0]) _WinAPI_DestroyIcon($ahRes[1]) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "DestroyCursor", "ptr", $ahRes[2]) $ahRes[0] = 0 Return 0 ElseIf $ahRes[0] = 0 Then Local $bRes, $tRes, $iOffset, $tImg, $aRet $bRes = "0x0000010001002020100001000400E8020000160000002800000020000000400000000100040000000000000200000000000000" & _ "000000100000001000000000000000000080000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000FF0000FF0" & _ "00000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _ "00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFF00000FFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFF" & _ "F00FF0FF00FFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFF0FF00000FF0FFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFF0FFFFF0FFFFF0FFFFFFFF000FFFFFFF0FFFF00000FFF" & _ "F0FFFFFFF000FFFFFFF0FFFFFF0FFFFFF0FFFFFFF000FFFFFF0F0F0FF000FF0F0F0FFFFFF000FFFFFF0F0F0F0FFF0F0F0F0FFFFFF00" & _ "0FFFFFF0000000F0F0000000FFFFFF000FFFFFF0F0F0F0FFF0F0F0F0FFFFFF000FFFFFF0F0F0FF000FF0F0F0FFFFFF000FFFFFFF0FF" & _ "FFFF0FFFFFF0FFFFFFF000FFFFFFF0FFFF00000FFFF0FFFFFFF000FFFFFFFF0FFFFF0FFFFF0FFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFF0FF00000FF0F" & _ "FFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFF00FF0FF00FFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFF00000FFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000000000000000007770CCCCCCC" & _ "CCCCCCCCCCCCCC07770007070CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC07070007770CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC07770000000000000000000000000" & _ "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFF" & _ "FFFFF800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000" & _ "00800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008" & _ "000000080000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $tRes = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($bRes) & "]") DllStructSetData($tRes, 1, Binary($bRes)) $iOffset = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "LookupIconIdFromDirectory", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tRes), "int", 1) $iOffset = $iOffset[0] $tImg = DllStructCreate($tagBITMAPINFO, DllStructGetPtr($tRes) + $iOffset) $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "handle", "CreateIconFromResource", _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tImg), _ "int", DllStructGetData($tImg, "Size"), _ "int", 1, _ "int", 0x00030000) $ahRes[0] = $aRet[0] $bRes = "0x0000010001002020100001000400E80200001600000028000000200000004000000001000400000000000002000000000000000000001000" & _ "00001000000000000000000080000080000000808000800000008000800080800000C0C0C000808080000000FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF00" & _ "0000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FF" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FF" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FF" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" & _ "FFFFFFFFFFF000000000000000000000000000000000007770CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC07770007070CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC070700077" & _ "70CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC07770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _ "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFF800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000" & _ "0000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000800000008000" & _ "0000800000008000000080000000800000008000000080000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $tRes = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($bRes) & "]") DllStructSetData($tRes, 1, Binary($bRes)) $iOffset = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "LookupIconIdFromDirectory", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tRes), "int", 1) $iOffset = $iOffset[0] $tImg = DllStructCreate($tagBITMAPINFO, DllStructGetPtr($tRes) + $iOffset) $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "handle", "CreateIconFromResource", _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tImg), _ "int", DllStructGetData($tImg, "Size"), _ "int", 1, _ "int", 0x00030000) $ahRes[1] = $aRet[0] $bRes = "0x000002000100202000000F0010003001000016000000280000002000000040000000010001000000000080000000000000000000000002" & _ "0000000200000000000000FFFFFF000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _ "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" & _ "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" & _ "FFFFFFFFF83FFFFFE6CFFFFFD837FFFFBEFBFFFF783DFFFF7EFDFFFEAC6AFFFEABAAFFFE0280FFFEABAAFFFEAC6AFFFF7EFDFFFF783DFFFF" & _ "BEFBFFFFD837FFFFE6CFFFFFF83FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF" $tRes = DllStructCreate("byte[" & BinaryLen($bRes) & "]") DllStructSetData($tRes, 1, Binary($bRes)) $iOffset = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "LookupIconIdFromDirectory", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tRes), "int", 1) $iOffset = $iOffset[0] $tImg = DllStructCreate($tagBITMAPINFO, DllStructGetPtr($tRes) + $iOffset) $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "handle", "CreateIconFromResource", _ "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tImg), _ "int", DllStructGetData($tImg, "Size"), _ "int", 1, _ "int", 0x00030000) $ahRes[2] = $aRet[0] EndIf If $iRes < 0 Then Return $ahRes Return $ahRes[$iRes] EndFunc ;==>__GUICtrlFinder_GetDefaultResources AutoIt Project Listing
AZJIO Posted July 9, 2014 Posted July 9, 2014 (edited) WM_MOUSEMOVE is performed for the current window. Make it transparent on the whole screen.Switch trigger when you click the tray icon to activate the search.Activate with $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN Edited July 9, 2014 by AZJIO My other projects or all
Mat Posted July 9, 2014 Author Posted July 9, 2014 WM_MOUSEMOVE is performed for the current window. Make it transparent on the whole screen. Switch trigger when you click the tray icon to activate the search. Activate with $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOWN By capturing the mouse it should always receive the messages, see the code for the original. AutoIt Project Listing
AZJIO Posted July 9, 2014 Posted July 9, 2014 (edited) You can check in the loopFor me the problem is to determine the time of the click. Out of nowhere. Edited July 9, 2014 by AZJIO My other projects or all
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