Skitty Posted January 26, 2011 Posted January 26, 2011 (edited) So I heard that winrar's encryption is so good that it's next to impossible to recover an archives contents without having the password. So I made this little script that basically automates rar.exe and unrar.exe so you can enter a password that will literally take ten trillion years to find via bruit force attacks as described by a supposed rarlabs cryptologist that say that's what it takes if you use a password longer than 45-50 characters so that's why I made the script also encrypt your astonishingly random and Pentagon like password and save it to an ini file in the same directory, just make sure you DON'T LOOSE THAT KEY cause I really doubt you're gonna remember a 40--100 character password. So All you have to do is randomly beat your keyboard and make sure you also hit shift in order to get those precious non-alphanumeric characters into play! Remember that the mentioned executables are part of winrar's software pack. You will need these files in order to get this script to work. It turns out that UnRAR.exe is actually freeware but Rar.exe is not. You can just download Winrar or if you already have winrar then go to C:\Program Files\Winrar and copy them to the directory C:\W7 that you previously created.Edit: Never-mind about the comment saying "its next to impossible to recover an archive contents w/o password" This guy, " Alexander Roshal" says its impossible, not next to it.After compiling along with "Command line rar"DoStep #1: Start the program, and press F2 which is the how key I set.Step #2: When a box comes up, type in "create" and a file will be created with the icon you have in C:\W7 and remember to rename the icon ".ico" to look like "lock.ico"Step #3: After filling the File titled archive with your files, press F2 once more and type in "Lock" and enter a password between 35-55 random characters. Any character except Chinese. Eg, pressing shift while banging your keyboard.Step #4: If you wan't to unlock the archive, just type in "UnLock" and choose the archive and the ini file when it ask's you. Just remember not to rename the archive ever. then you can just type in "kill" and it will stop its process which is nearly nothing.Any way, tell me what you think!expandcollapse popup#RequireAdmin #include<Misc.au3> #include<File.au3> #include <String.au3> HotKeySet("{F2}","_Select");Set your hot key If _Singleton(@ScriptName,1) = 0 Then Exit EndIf While 1 Sleep(360000) WEnd Func _Select() Local $I = InputBox("Command Center", " ", "", "", 200, 100) Switch $I Case "kill", "exit", "stop", "Kill", "Exit", "Stop", "KILL", "EXIT", "STOP" ProcessClose("UnRAR.exe") ProcessClose("Rar.exe") Exit Case "create", "Create", "CREATE" _create() Case "lock", "Lock", "LOCK" _lock() Case "unlock", "Unlock", "UNLOCK", "un-lock", "Un-lock", "UN-LOCK", _ "un lock", "Un lock", "UN LOCK", "Un Lock", "Un-Lock" _unlock() Case Else MsgBox(0, "Syntax error", "'" & $I & "'" & " is not recognized as an internal or external command." & _ @LF & "*Password size should be between 25-50 random characters*" & _ @LF & "----Commands are as follows-----" & @LF & @LF & "Create - Creates a folder" & @LF & "Lock - Super encrypt a folder" & _ @LF & "UnLock - UnLock an encrypted archive" & @LF & @LF & 'This program uses "Rar.exe" and "UnRAR.exe" by winrar.' & _ @LF & "ProTip- The file $~settings.ini contains your encrypted password and you will need it to open an archive." & _ @LF & "Unless you have good memory, you will need that file. To open an archive, Select it in the popup after typing" & _ @LF & '"UnLock", then select your ini file and there you have it! Winrar states that it is next to impossible to' & _ @LF & "unencrypt an encrypted archive without a password." & _ @LF & "P.s- Do not rename the archive or the ini file will not work for you. You can encrypt any number of archives" & _ @LF & "and have all the encrypted passwords in the same ini file. Just make sure that you have your ini file in the same directory.") EndSwitch EndFunc Func _create() $KB1 = @ScriptDir & "\Archive" DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Archive") _FileCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Archive\desktop.ini") FileInstall("C:\W7\lock.ico",@ScriptDir & "\Archive\lock.ico");Choose an Icon that will be displayd for the folder. Like a lock or something. IniWriteSection($KB1 & "\" & "Desktop.ini", ".ShellClassInfo", _ "IconFile=" & "lock.ico" & @LF & _ "IconIndex=0" & @LF & _ "InfoTip=Folder ready for archiving!") FileSetAttrib($KB1 & "\" & "Desktop.ini", "+HS") FileSetAttrib($KB1, "+R") FileSetAttrib($KB1 & "\lock.ico", "+SHR") EndFunc Func _lock() $KB43 = InputBox("Enter password"," ","","*",200,75) $HIDF353 = _StringEncrypt(1, $KB43 , " ", 7) FileInstall("C:\W7\Rar.exe",@TempDir & "\Rar.exe") FileChangeDir(@TempDir) RunWait("rar a Data.rar -k -ow -dw -m5 -hp" & $KB43 & " " & @ScriptDir & "\Archive",@TempDir,@SW_HIDE) $FH337 = _TempFile(@ScriptDir, "DATA_", ".rar", 7) FileMove(@TempDir & "\Data.rar",$FH337) If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini") Then iniWriteSection(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini", ( _KB238 ( $FH337 )),"KB29=" & $HIDF353) Else _FileCreate(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini") iniWriteSection(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini", ( _KB238 ( $FH337 )),"KB29=" & $HIDF353) EndIf EndFunc Func _unlock() $KB283 = FileOpenDialog("Select your archive file.", @WindowsDir & "\", "Archives (*.rar)", 1 + 4 ) If @error Then MsgBox(4096,"","No File(s) chosen") Exit Else $KB283 = StringReplace($KB283, "|", @CRLF) EndIf $KB383 = FileOpenDialog("Select your ini file.", @WindowsDir & "\", "Images (*.ini)", 1 + 4 ) If @error Then MsgBox(4096,"","No File(s) chosen") Exit Else FileInstall("C:\W7\UnRAR.exe",@TempDir & "\UnRAR.exe") DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Data") FileChangeDir(@TempDir) RunWait("unrar e -y -p" & _StringEncrypt(0, IniRead ( StringReplace($KB383, "|", @CRLF), _ ( _KB238 ( $KB283 )), "KB29", " " ), " ", 7) & " " & _ $KB283 & " " & @ScriptDir & "\Data",@TempDir,@SW_HIDE) EndIf EndFunc Func _KB238 ( $KB281 ) If Not FileExists ( $KB281 ) Then Return 0 $KB282 = StringSplit ( $KB281, '\' ) Return $KB282[$KB282[0]] EndFuncThe code below double encrypts an archive but it won't work. read post below..expandcollapse popup#RequireAdmin #include<Misc.au3> #include<Crypt.au3> #include<File.au3> #include <String.au3> HotKeySet("{F2}","_Select");Set your hot key If _Singleton(@ScriptName,1) = 0 Then Exit EndIf While 1 Sleep(360000) WEnd Func _Select() Local $I = InputBox("Command Center", " ", "", "", 200, 100) Switch $I Case "kill", "exit", "stop", "Kill", "Exit", "Stop", "KILL", "EXIT", "STOP" ProcessClose("UnRAR.exe") ProcessClose("Rar.exe") Exit Case "create", "Create", "CREATE" _create() Case "lock", "Lock", "LOCK" ProcessClose("Rar.exe") _lock() Case "unlock", "Unlock", "UNLOCK", "un-lock", "Un-lock", "UN-LOCK", _ "un lock", "Un lock", "UN LOCK", "Un Lock", "Un-Lock" ProcessClose("UnRAR.exe") _unlock() Case Else MsgBox(0, "Syntax error", "'" & $I & "'" & " is not recognized as an internal or external command." & _ @LF & "*Password size should be between 25-50 random characters*" & _ @LF & "----Commands are as follows-----" & @LF & @LF & "Create - Creates a folder" & @LF & "Lock - Super encrypt a folder" & _ @LF & "UnLock - UnLock an encrypted archive" & @LF & @LF & 'This program uses "Rar.exe" and "UnRAR.exe" by winrar.' & _ @LF & "ProTip- The file $~settings.ini contains your encrypted password and you will need it to open an archive." & _ @LF & "Unless you have good memory, you will need that file. To open an archive, Select it in the popup after typing" & _ @LF & '"UnLock", then select your ini file and there you have it! Winrar states that it is next to impossible to' & _ @LF & "unencrypt an encrypted archive without a password." & _ @LF & "P.s- Do not rename the archive or the ini file will not work for you. You can encrypt any number of archives" & _ @LF & "and have all the encrypted passwords in the same ini file. Just make sure that you have your ini file in the same directory.") EndSwitch EndFunc Func _create() $KB1 = @ScriptDir & "\Archive" DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Archive") _FileCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Archive\desktop.ini") FileInstall("C:\W7\lock.ico",@ScriptDir & "\Archive\lock.ico");Choose an Icon that will be displayd for the folder. Like a lock or something. IniWriteSection($KB1 & "\" & "Desktop.ini", ".ShellClassInfo", _ "IconFile=" & "lock.ico" & @LF & _ "IconIndex=0" & @LF & _ "InfoTip=Folder ready for archiving!") FileSetAttrib($KB1 & "\" & "Desktop.ini", "+HS") FileSetAttrib($KB1, "+R") FileSetAttrib($KB1 & "\lock.ico", "+SHR") EndFunc Func _lock() DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\~Processing") $Passwd23 = InputBox("Enter password"," ","","*",200,75) $Passwd22 = _StringEncrypt(1, $Passwd23 , "", 7) FileInstall("C:\W7\Rar.exe",@TempDir & "\Rar.exe") FileChangeDir(@TempDir) RunWait("rar a Data.rar -k -ow -m5 -hp" & $Passwd23 & " " & @ScriptDir & "\Archive",@TempDir,@SW_HIDE) FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir) $Newname = _TempFile(@ScriptDir, "DATA_", ".RAR", 7) FileMove(@TempDir & "\Data.rar",$Newname) If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini") Then iniWriteSection(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini", ( _KB238 ( $Newname )),"KB29=" & $Passwd22) Else _FileCreate(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini") iniWriteSection(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini", ( _KB238 ( $Newname )),"KB29=" & $Passwd22) EndIf $TF = _TempFile(@ScriptDir, "CRYP.", ".CRYP", 7) FileMove($Newname,@ScriptDir & "\~Processing\" & ( _KB238 ( $Newname ))) FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir & "\~Processing") $0 = FileFindFirstFile("*.rar") If $0 = -1 Then Exit EndIf $1 = FileFindNextFile($0) If @error Then Exit _Crypt_EncryptFile($1,$TF, "",$CALG_3DES) IniWriteSection(@ScriptDir & "\$~settings.ini", ( _KB238 ( $TF )),"KB28=" & $1) FileChangeDir(@ScriptDir) DirRemove(@ScriptDir & "\~Processing",1) FileClose($0) EndFunc Func _unlock() $encrypt = FileOpenDialog("Select your Encrypted archive.", @WindowsDir & "\", "CRYP files (*.CRYP)", 1 + 4 ) If @error Then MsgBox(4096,"","No File chosen") Exit Else $encrypted = StringReplace($encrypt, "|", @CRLF) EndIf $KB383 = FileOpenDialog("Select your ini file.", @WindowsDir & "\", "Images (*.ini)", 1 + 4 ) If @error Then MsgBox(4096,"","No File chosen") Exit Else $4 = StringReplace($KB383, "|", @CRLF) $KB3 = IniReadSection($4, ( _KB238 ( $encrypted ))) If @error Then MsgBox(4096, "",StringReplace($KB383, "|", @CRLF)) Else For $i = 1 To $KB3[0][0] $5 = $KB3[$i][1] _Crypt_DecryptFile($encrypted, $5, "",$CALG_3DES) Next EndIf FileInstall("C:\W7\UnRAR.exe",@TempDir & "\UnRAR.exe") DirCreate(@ScriptDir & "\Data") FileChangeDir(@TempDir) RunWait("unrar e -y -p" & _StringEncrypt(0, IniRead ( StringReplace($KB383, "|", @CRLF), _ $5, "KB29", " " ), "", 7) & " " & @ScriptDir & "\" & $5 & " " & @ScriptDir & "\Data",@TempDir,@SW_HIDE) EndIf EndFunc Func _KB238 ( $KB281 ) If Not FileExists ( $KB281 ) Then Return 0 $KB282 = StringSplit ( $KB281, '\' ) Return $KB282[$KB282[0]] EndFunc Edited January 27, 2011 by xJSLRx
Skitty Posted January 26, 2011 Author Posted January 26, 2011 (edited) Here's the link to UnRAR.exe. you should already know how to get rar.exe I've made a better version now that I can script fluently but I don't think any one's even interested. Might post later after misc improves. Edited April 6, 2011 by System238
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