AZJIO Posted September 18, 2010 Posted September 18, 2010 (edited) Volume Control (En, Ru)HotKey = Shift+MouseWheel (or Ctrl, Alt)VolCon.7z- v0.5, 266kb, exe+sources+hook.dll+sndico.dllSoundGetSetQuery.au3 - Author: Austin Beer expandcollapse popup#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** #AutoIt3Wrapper_OutFile=VolCon.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_icon=VolCon.ico #AutoIt3Wrapper_Compression=4 #AutoIt3Wrapper_UseAnsi=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=- #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=VolCon.exe #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion_AutoIncrement=n #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_LegalCopyright=AZJIO #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Language=1049 #AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=n #EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI **** ; @AZJIO 23.09.2010 (AutoIt3_v3.2.12.1+) #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include "SoundGetSetQuery.au3" FileInstall("C:\sndico.dll", "*") FileInstall("C:\hook.dll", "*") Opt("TrayMenuMode", 7) Opt("TrayOnEventMode", 1) ; En $LngTitle='Volume Control' $LngAbout='About' $LngVer='Version' $LngSite='Site' $LngQuit='Exit' $LngSet='Setting' $LngTrn='Transparent (0-255)' $LngSV='Set the volume at startup (0-100)' $LngAS='Auto start when Windows starts' $LngAp='Apply' $LngTh='Themes' $LngGHK='HotKey' $LngHK='Regulation' $LngHK1='+MouseWheel' $LngHKM='Mute Ctrl+' $LngMxr='Standard Mixer' ; Ru Global $langdef = '0000'&@OSLang ; читаем язык по умолчанию If $langdef = 00000419 Then $LngAbout='О программе' $LngVer='Версия' $LngSite='Сайт' $LngQuit='Выход' $LngSet='Настройки' $LngTrn='Прозрачность (0-255)' $LngSV='Установить громкость при старте (0-100)' $LngAS='Автостарт при загрузке Windows' $LngAp='Применить' $LngTh='Цветовая тема' $LngGHK='Горячие клавиши' $LngHK='Регулировка' $LngHK1='+Колёсико мыши' $LngHKM='Вкл/выкл Ctrl+' $LngMxr='Микшер Windows' EndIf Const $WH_MOUSE = 7 Const $WM_AUTOITMOUSEWHEELUP = 0x1400 + 0x0D30 Const $WM_AUTOITMOUSEWHEELDOWN = 0x1400 + 0x0D31 Global $tr = 0, $setico='', $TrGui=0, $iniTrn, $iniX, $iniY, $iniAtSt, $iniDV, $iniColBk, $iniColVol, $a, $iniHK='', $iniHKM='' ; Dim $a[101] Global Const $WS_EX_TRANSPARENT = 0x00000020 ; прозрачность поддерживается Global Const $WS_EX_TOPMOST = 0x00000008 ; поверх всех окон Global Const $WS_POPUP = 0x80000000 ; без заголовка Global Const $WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0x00000080 ; не отображать в панели задач ; константы для перемещения индикатора Global Const $HTCLIENT = 1 Global Const $HTCAPTION = 2 ; Global Const $SS_LEFTNOWORDWRAP = 0xC Global Const $SS_CENTERIMAGE = 0x0200 Global Const $SS_CENTER = 0x1 Global Const $SS_ETCHEDFRAME = 0x12 Global Const $TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLE = -13 Global $Ini = @ScriptDir&'\VolCon.ini' If Not FileExists($Ini) Then $file = FileOpen($Ini,2) FileWrite($file, _ '[setting]' & @CRLF & _ 'transparent=190' & @CRLF & _ 'xpos='&@DesktopWidth-60 & @CRLF & _ 'ypos='&@DesktopHeight-165 & @CRLF & _ 'DefVol=0' & @CRLF & _ 'HotKey=A0' & @CRLF & _ 'HotKeyM=' & @CRLF & _ 'ColorBk=d0ff96' & @CRLF & _ 'ColorVol=00d20a') FileClose($file) EndIf $DWX= @DesktopWidth $DWY= @DesktopHeight $iniTrn= IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'transparent', '190') $iniX= IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'xpos', $DWX-60) $iniY= IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'ypos', $DWY-165) $iniDV= IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'DefVol', '0') $iniColBk= Dec(IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'ColorBk','d0ff96')) $iniColVol= Dec(IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'ColorVol','00d20a')) $iniHK= IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'HotKey', 'A0') $iniHKM= IniRead ($Ini, 'setting', 'HotKeyM', '') If $iniHK='' Then $iniHK='A0' If $iniX > $DWX-30 Then $iniX=$DWX-60 If $iniY > $DWY-135 Then $iniY=$DWY-165 If $iniHKM<>'' Then HotKeySet('^{'&$iniHKM&'}', "_MUTE") If StringLeft($iniDV, 1)<>0 Then _SoundSetMasterVolume(StringTrimLeft($iniDV, 1)) $gui = GUICreate($LngTitle, 30, 135, $iniX, $iniY, $WS_POPUP+$WS_EX_TRANSPARENT,$WS_EX_TOPMOST+$WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) TraySetIcon('stobject.dll', -3) ; If @compiled=0 Then TraySetIcon('stobject.dll', -3) ; скрипт назначения колёсику мыши горячей клавиши - ; hook.dll - Global $DLLinst = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "hwnd", "LoadLibrary", "str", ".\hook.dll") Global $mouseHOOKproc = DllCall("kernel32.dll", "hwnd", "GetProcAddress", "hwnd", $DLLinst[0], "str", "MouseProc") Global $hhMouse = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "SetWindowsHookEx", "int", $WH_MOUSE, "hwnd", $mouseHOOKproc[0], "hwnd", $DLLinst[0], "int", 0) DllCall(".\hook.dll", "int", "SetValuesMouse", "hwnd", $gui, "hwnd", $hhMouse[0]) GUIRegisterMsg($WM_AUTOITMOUSEWHEELUP, "myfunc") GUIRegisterMsg($WM_AUTOITMOUSEWHEELDOWN, "myfunc") TraySetOnEvent($TRAY_EVENT_PRIMARYDOUBLE,"_MUTE") GUIRegisterMsg(0x0003 , "WM_MOVE") $volcur=Int(_SoundGetMasterVolume()) ; округление к кратным величинам If $volcur > 20 Then $volcur-=Mod($volcur,5) _SoundSetMasterVolume($volcur) EndIf If $volcur < 20 And $volcur>5 Then $volcur-=Mod($volcur-2,3) _SoundSetMasterVolume($volcur) EndIf $vol=GUICtrlCreateLabel ($volcur, 0, 0, 30, 27, BitOR($SS_CENTER, $SS_CENTERIMAGE), $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,12,400) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlCreateLabel ('-', 2, 28, 27, 105, $SS_ETCHEDFRAME, $GUI_WS_EX_PARENTDRAG) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) $b= GUICtrlCreateGraphic(4, 30, 22, 101) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iniColBk) WinSetTrans($gui,"", $iniTrn) _indic($volcur) _ico($volcur) $delta=5 $GuiPos='' If _SoundGetMasterMute()=1 Then TraySetIcon('sndico.dll', 12) $nSet= TrayCreateItem($LngSet) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "_set") $nMixer= TrayCreateItem($LngMxr) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "_Mixer") $nAbout= TrayCreateItem($LngAbout) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "_about") $nExit = TrayCreateItem($LngQuit) TrayItemSetOnEvent(-1, "_Quit") TraySetToolTip($LngTitle) While 1 Sleep(500) If $tr = 1 Then $tr = 0 Sleep(1500) If $tr = 0 Then If $DWX=@DesktopWidth And $DWY=@DesktopHeight Then $GuiPos = WinGetPos($Gui) $iniX=$GuiPos[0] $iniY=$GuiPos[1] EndIf GuiSetState(@SW_HIDE) EndIf EndIf Sleep(500) $tr1 = 0 WEnd Func MyFunc($hWndGUI, $MsgID, $WParam, $LParam) If Not _IsPressed($iniHK) Or $TrGui=1 Or _SoundGetMasterMute()=1 Then Return $V=Int(_SoundGetMasterVolume()) GuiSetState(@SW_SHOWNA) $tr = 1 Select case $msgid=$WM_AUTOITMOUSEWHEELUP If $delta=0 Then Return If $V>=20 Then $delta=5 If $V<20 Then $delta=3 If $V<5 Then $delta=1 If $V+$delta > 100 Then $delta=100-$V _SoundSetMasterVolume($V+$delta) _indic($V+$delta) GUICtrlSetData($vol,$V+$delta) _ico($V+$delta) case $msgid=$WM_AUTOITMOUSEWHEELDOWN If $V=0 Then Return If $V>20 Then $delta=5 If $V<=20 Then $delta=3 If $V<=5 Then $delta=1 ; If $V-$delta < 0 Then $delta=$V+1 _SoundSetMasterVolume($V-$delta) _indic($V-$delta) GUICtrlSetData($vol,$V-$delta) _ico($V-$delta) EndSelect If $DWX=@DesktopWidth And $DWY=@DesktopHeight Then If $GuiPos<>'' Then $iniX=$GuiPos[0] $iniY=$GuiPos[1] EndIf WinMove($gui, "", $iniX, $iniY) Else WinMove($gui, "", @DesktopWidth-60, @DesktopHeight-165) EndIf EndFunc Func _IsPressed($sHexKey, $vDLL = 'user32.dll') Local $a_R = DllCall($vDLL, "short", "GetAsyncKeyState", "int", '0x' & $sHexKey) If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False) Return BitAND($a_R[0], 0x8000) <> 0 EndFunc Func _indic($V) GUICtrlDelete($a) $a = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(4, 130-$V, 22, $V) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iniColVol) GUICtrlSetGraphic($a, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) EndFunc Func _Quit() TraySetState(2) DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "UnhookWindowsHookEx", "hwnd", $hhMouse[0]) DllCall("kernel32.dll", "int", "FreeLibrary", "hwnd", $DLLinst[0]) If $GuiPos<>'' Then IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "xpos", $GuiPos[0]) IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "ypos", $GuiPos[1]) EndIf Exit EndFunc Func _ico($V, $m=0) $tmp=$setico Switch $V Case 0 To 5 $setico=1 Case 6 To 15 $setico=2 Case 16 To 25 $setico=3 Case 26 To 35 $setico=4 Case 36 To 45 $setico=5 Case 46 To 55 $setico=6 Case 56 To 65 $setico=7 Case 66 To 75 $setico=8 Case 76 To 85 $setico=9 Case 86 To 95 $setico=10 Case 96 To 100 $setico=11 Case Else $setico=12 EndSwitch If $setico <> $tmp Or $m=1 Then _TrayIcon($setico) EndFunc Func _TrayIcon($setico) TraySetIcon('sndico.dll', $setico) ; If @compiled=0 Then TraySetIcon('stobject.dll', -3) EndFunc Func WM_MOVE() If $DWX=@DesktopWidth And $DWY=@DesktopHeight Then $GuiPos = WinGetPos($Gui) $iniX=$GuiPos[0] $iniY=$GuiPos[1] EndIf $tr = 1 EndFunc Func _set() $TrGui=1 TrayItemSetState($nSet,128) TrayItemSetState($nAbout,128) TrayItemSetState($nExit,128) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $Gui) $Gui1 = GUICreate($LngTitle, 300, 230, @DesktopWidth-370, @DesktopHeight-295, -1, 0x00000080,$Gui) $TrnInp= GUICtrlCreateInput($iniTrn, 5, 10, 35, 21) GUICtrlCreateLabel($LngTrn, 45, 12, 160, 17, 0xC) $DefVolInp= GUICtrlCreateInput(_SoundGetMasterVolume(), 5, 35, 35, 21) $ChDV=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ($LngSV, 45, 37, 250, 17) If StringLeft($iniDV, 1)<>0 Then GuiCtrlSetState($ChDV, 1) $ChAS=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ($LngAS, 5, 62, 200, 17) RegRead("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Volume_Control") If Not @Error Then GuiCtrlSetState($ChAS, 1) $ChTh=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ($LngTh, 5, 87, 105, 17) $ThInp= GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 110, 85, 90, 21) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 'Green|Red|Blue|Yellow', 'Green') Switch HEX($iniColVol,6) Case '00d20a' GUICtrlSetData($ThInp,'Green') Case 'd4451d' GUICtrlSetData($ThInp,'Red') Case '01adcf' GUICtrlSetData($ThInp,'Blue') Case 'e8db00' GUICtrlSetData($ThInp,'Yellow') EndSwitch $gr1 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(205, 85, 22, 11) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iniColBk) $gr2 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(205, 96, 22, 11) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iniColVol) $gr3 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(230, 85, 22, 11) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iniColBk) $gr4 = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(230, 96, 22, 11) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, $iniColVol) GUICtrlCreateGroup($LngGHK, 1, 112, 297, 73) $ChHK=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ($LngHK, 5, 132, 105, 17) $HKInp= GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 110, 130, 90, 21) GUICtrlSetData(-1, 'Left SHIFT|Right SHIFT|SHIFT|Left Ctrl|Right Ctrl|Ctrl|Alt', 'Left SHIFT') GUICtrlCreateLabel($LngHK1, 203, 132, 93, 17, 0xC) Switch $iniHK Case 'A0' GUICtrlSetData($HKInp,'Left SHIFT') Case 'A1' GUICtrlSetData($HKInp,'Right SHIFT') Case '10' GUICtrlSetData($HKInp,'SHIFT') Case 'A2' GUICtrlSetData($HKInp,'Left Ctrl') Case 'A3' GUICtrlSetData($HKInp,'Right Ctrl') Case '11' GUICtrlSetData($HKInp,'Ctrl') Case '12' GUICtrlSetData($HKInp,'Alt') EndSwitch $ChHKM=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox ($LngHKM, 5, 157, 105, 17) $HKMInp= GUICtrlCreateCombo('', 110, 155, 90, 21) GUICtrlSetData(-1, '|PAUSE|F12|9|0', $iniHKM) If Not StringInStr('|PAUSE|F12|9|0|', '|'&$iniHKM&'|') And $iniHKM<>'' Then GUICtrlSetData($HKMInp,$iniHKM,$iniHKM) EndIf If $iniHKM<>'' Then GuiCtrlSetState($ChHKM, 1) $apply=GUICtrlCreateButton ($LngAp, 210, 195, 85, 30) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Gui1) $msg = $Gui1 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $HKMInp GuiCtrlSetState($ChHKM, 1) Case $msg = $ThInp GuiCtrlSetState($ChTh, 1) Switch GUICtrlRead($ThInp) Case 'Green' GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr3, Dec('d0ff96')) GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr4, Dec('00d20a')) Case 'Red' GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr3, Dec('fbb194')) GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr4, Dec('d4451d')) Case 'Blue' GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr3, Dec('a7f2fc')) GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr4, Dec('01adcf')) Case 'Yellow' GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr3, Dec('fbffab')) GUICtrlSetBkColor($gr4, Dec('e8db00')) EndSwitch GUICtrlSetGraphic($a, $GUI_GR_REFRESH) Case $msg = $HKInp GuiCtrlSetState($ChHK, 1) Case $msg = $apply $iniTrn = GUICtrlRead($TrnInp) IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "transparent", $iniTrn) WinSetTrans($gui,"", $iniTrn) If GUICtrlRead($ChDV) = 1 Then $DefVolInp0 = GUICtrlRead($DefVolInp) $iniDV='1'&$DefVolInp0 IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "DefVol", $iniDV) Else IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "DefVol", '0') $iniDV=0 EndIf If GUICtrlRead($ChAS)=1 Then RegWrite("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Volume_Control", "REG_SZ", '"'&@AutoItExe&'"') Else RegDelete("HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run", "Volume_Control") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($ChTh) = 1 Then Switch GUICtrlRead($ThInp) Case 'Green' _Color('d0ff96', '00d20a') Case 'Red' _Color('fbb194', 'd4451d') Case 'Blue' _Color('a7f2fc', '01adcf') Case 'Yellow' _Color('fbffab', 'e8db00') EndSwitch EndIf If GUICtrlRead($ChHK) = 1 Then Switch GUICtrlRead($HKInp) Case 'Left SHIFT' $iniHK='A0' Case 'Right SHIFT' $iniHK='A1' Case 'SHIFT' $iniHK='10' Case 'Left Ctrl' $iniHK='A2' Case 'Right Ctrl' $iniHK='A3' Case 'Ctrl' $iniHK='11' Case 'Alt' $iniHK='12' Case Else $iniHK='A0' EndSwitch IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "HotKey", $iniHK) EndIf If GUICtrlRead($ChHKM) = 1 And GUICtrlRead($HKMInp)<>'' Then If $iniHKM<>'' Then HotKeySet('^{'&$iniHKM&'}') $iniHKM=GUICtrlRead($HKMInp) If $iniHKM<>'' Then HotKeySet('^{'&$iniHKM&'}', "_MUTE") IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "HotKeyM", $iniHKM) EndIf Else If $iniHKM<>'' Then HotKeySet('^{'&$iniHKM&'}') $iniHKM='' IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "HotKeyM", '') EndIf ContinueCase Case $msg = -3 $msg = $Gui GUIDelete($Gui1) TrayItemSetState($nSet,64) TrayItemSetState($nAbout,64) TrayItemSetState($nExit,64) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $Gui) $TrGui=0 ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd EndFunc Func _Color($1, $2) IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "ColorBk", $1) IniWrite($Ini, "setting", "ColorVol", $2) $iniColBk=Dec($1) $iniColVol=Dec($2) GUICtrlSetBkColor($b, $iniColBk) GUICtrlSetBkColor($a, $iniColVol) EndFunc Func _MUTE() $Mute=_SoundGetMasterMute() If $Mute = 0 Then _SoundSetMasterMute(1) TraySetIcon('sndico.dll', 12) EndIf If $Mute = 1 Then _SoundSetMasterMute(0) _ico(_SoundGetMasterVolume(), 1) EndIf EndFunc Func _Mixer() Run(@ComSpec & " /c rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL mmsys.cpl,,0", '', @SW_HIDE) If $langdef = 00000419 Then $title='Свойства: Звуки и аудиоустройства' WinWaitActive($title) ControlClick($title, "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:4]") WinClose($title) EndIf EndFunc Func _About() $TrGui=1 TrayItemSetState($nSet,128) TrayItemSetState($nAbout,128) TrayItemSetState($nExit,128) GUISetState(@SW_DISABLE, $Gui) $font="Arial" $Gui1 = GUICreate($LngAbout, 270, 180, -1, -1, -1, 0x00000080,$Gui) GUISetBkColor (0xf8c848) GUICtrlCreateLabel($LngTitle, 0, 20, 270, 23, 0x01) GUICtrlSetFont (-1,15, 600, -1, $font) GUICtrlSetColor(-1,0xa21a10) GUISetFont (9, 600, -1, $font) GUICtrlCreateLabel($LngVer&' 0.5 23.09.2010', 55, 100, 210, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel($LngSite&':', 55, 115, 40, 17) $url=GUICtrlCreateLabel('', 92, 115, 170, 17) GUICtrlSetCursor(-1, 0) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x0000ff) GUICtrlCreateLabel('WebMoney: R939163939152', 55, 130, 210, 17) GUICtrlCreateLabel('Copyright AZJIO © 2010', 55, 145, 210, 17) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $Gui1) $msg = $Gui1 While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $msg = $url ShellExecute ('') Case $msg = -3 $msg = $Gui GUIDelete($Gui1) TrayItemSetState($nSet,64) TrayItemSetState($nAbout,64) TrayItemSetState($nExit,64) GUISetState(@SW_ENABLE, $Gui) $TrGui=0 ExitLoop EndSelect WEnd EndFunc Updated, v0.5Mute - HotKeyroundingicoUpdated, v0.4The program does not turn off the game when you call the hot keyChoice of hot keysWhen you change the screen resolution during the start of the game, the "Volume Control" displays in the visible region Updated, v0.3Mute - Double click on the iconThemes - Green, Red, Blue, Yellow (Setting)Fix - Func _indic($V) Edited June 22, 2013 by AZJIO My other projects or all
wakillon Posted September 18, 2010 Posted September 18, 2010 Work fine !Read me file is unreadable and is that possible you set volume meter in bottom right of the screeninstead of middle of screen !Thanks to share AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0 - WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts
AZJIO Posted September 18, 2010 Author Posted September 18, 2010 wakillonUpdated, v0.2+++Setting My other projects or all
wakillon Posted September 18, 2010 Posted September 18, 2010 wakillonUpdated, v0.2+++SettingThanks a lot ! AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0 - WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts
SkellySoul Posted September 18, 2010 Posted September 18, 2010 Nice , may I also ask what editor your using
AZJIO Posted September 18, 2010 Author Posted September 18, 2010 Nice , may I also ask what editor your using Notepad++ My other projects or all
Yashied Posted September 18, 2010 Posted September 18, 2010 Unfortunately, VolCon will not work in Windows Vista/7. My UDFs: iKey | FTP Uploader | Battery Checker | Boot Manager | Font Viewer | UDF Keyword Manager | Run Dialog Replacement | USBProtect | 3D Axis | Calculator | Sleep | iSwitcher | TM | NetHelper | File Types Manager | Control Viewer | SynFolders | DLL Helper Animated Tray Icons UDF Library | Hotkeys UDF Library | Hotkeys Input Control UDF Library | Caret Shape UDF Library | Context Help UDF Library | Most Recently Used List UDF Library | Icons UDF Library | FTP UDF Library | Script Communications UDF Library | Color Chooser UDF Library | Color Picker Control UDF Library | IPHelper (Vista/7) UDF Library | WinAPI Extended UDF Library | WinAPIVhd UDF Library | Icon Chooser UDF Library | Copy UDF Library | Restart UDF Library | Event Log UDF Library | NotifyBox UDF Library | Pop-up Windows UDF Library | TVExplorer UDF Library | GuiHotKey UDF Library | GuiSysLink UDF Library | Package UDF Library | Skin UDF Library | AITray UDF Library | RDC UDF Library Appropriate path | Button text color | Gaussian random numbers | Header's styles (Vista/7) | ICON resource enumeration | Menu & INI | Tabbed string size | Tab's skin | Pop-up circular menu | Progress Bar without animation (Vista/7) | Registry export | Registry path jumping | Unique hardware ID | Windows alignment More...
FuryCell Posted September 20, 2010 Posted September 20, 2010 @Yashied It should work if you run the program under XP Compatibility mode. @AZJIO Nice work. HKTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeLyricToy:Softpedia | GoogleCodeRCTunes:Softpedia | GoogleCodeMichtaToolsProgrammer n. - An ingenious device that turns caffeine into code.
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