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- Birthday 04/11/1968
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stupid is as stupid does..
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Universalist (7/7)
AndrewSchultz reacted to a post in a topic: How to return two values from a function
gspino reacted to a post in a topic: Help for ideas on a simple Software Metering Prject
Help for ideas on a simple Software Metering Prject
Uten replied to gspino's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Take a look at this code: Easy shell hook Should be trivial to make a app logger with it. -
I know this is an old thread, but there are no other that use ToUnicodeEx. I Think this example is a bit more generic than the one above. ; SOURCE: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/165853-help-tounicodeex/ ; SOURCE: _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle.au3 from helpfile on _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle ; Modified and test code: Uten #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StructureConstants.au3> #include <WinAPIConstants.au3> #include <WinAPISys.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> ;TODO: Change script name accordingly. If @ScriptName = "_keyboard.au3" Then OnAutoItExitRegister("_keyboard_terminate") HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_keyboard_terminate") Local $hMod Global $g_hStub_KeyProc = DllCallbackRegister("_KeyProc", "long", "int;wparam;lparam") $hMod = _WinAPI_GetModuleHandle(0) Global $g_hHook = _WinAPI_SetWindowsHookEx($WH_KEYBOARD_LL, DllCallbackGetPtr($g_hStub_KeyProc), $hMod) Local $h=GUICreate("Close with esc",250,70) GUISetState() While ( GUIGetMsg() <> $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE ) sleep(10) WEnd EndIf ; =========================================================== ; callback function ; =========================================================== Func _KeyProc($nCode, $wParam, $lParam) If $nCode < 0 Then Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($g_hHook, $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) EndIf If $wParam = $WM_KEYUP Then Local $tKEYHOOKS = DllStructCreate($tagKBDLLHOOKSTRUCT, $lParam) Local $Retu Local $ret=_User32_ToUnicodeEx(DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "vkCode"), _ DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "scanCode"), _ DllStructGetPtr(_WinAPI_GetKeyboardState()) , _ $Retu, 5,0, _WinAPI_GetKeyboardLayout(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow ( ))) If $ret > 0 Then ConsoleWrite("$LLKHF_UP: scanCode - " & DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "scanCode") & @TAB & "vkCode - " & DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "vkCode") & "[" & $Retu &"]" & @CRLF) EndIF EndIf Return _WinAPI_CallNextHookEx($g_hHook, $nCode, $wParam, $lParam) EndFunc ;==>_KeyProc Func _keyboard_terminate() _WinAPI_UnhookWindowsHookEx($g_hHook) DllCallbackFree($g_hStub_KeyProc) Exit EndFunc ;==>Cleanup Func _User32_ToUnicodeEx($wVirtKey, $wScanCode, $lpKeyState, ByRef $pwszBuff, $cchBuff, $wFlags, $dwhkl) #cs - Parameters ;Translates the specified virtual-key code and keyboard state to the corresponding Unicode character or characters. ; wVirtKey: Virtual key code to be translated. ; wScanCode: The hardware scan code of the key to be translated ; lpKeyState: Pointer to 256-byte array containing keyb state. ; pwszBuff: ByRef return buffer ; cchBuff: The size of buffer pointed to by pwszBuff ; wFlags: Behaviour of function 0x0 or 0x2 ; dwhkl: Local identifyer to keyboard layout. ; RETURN: -1 : Dead key ; 0 : No translation - ex arrow keys ; 1 : 1 char in pwszBuff ; >2 : 2 or more chars in pwszBuff ; ;USAGE: Local $ret=_User32_ToUnicodeEx(DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "vkCode"), _ DllStructGetData($tKEYHOOKS, "scanCode"), _ DllStructGetPtr(_WinAPI_GetKeyboardState()) , _ $Retu, 5,0, _WinAPI_GetKeyboardLayout(_WinAPI_GetDesktopWindow ( ))) #ce Local $vRetVal = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "ToUnicodeEx", "UINT", $wVirtKey, "UINT", $wScanCode, "ptr", $lpKeyState, "wstr", $pwszBuff, "int", $cchBuff, "UINT", $wFlags, "hwnd", $dwhkl) $pwszBuff = $vRetVal[4] Return $vRetVal[0] EndFunc ;==>_User32_ToUnicodeEx Remember to change the file test under ToDo:
Make sure you test with screen scale set to 100% Then test with different scale. I have struggled with some code comparing images. Turned out capturing code got offset when screen scale was not 100%. I gave up on ImageSearch.dll 3 months ago. Could be the same problem.
- 8 replies
- imagesearch
- image
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Could this be related to 32 vs 64 bit versions of the os and or autoit? After I got a computer able to run windows 10 I get all kinds of trouble. I thought it was because I'm rusty, but .... Edit: Tried the code. Only modified the paths to be relative. #include <GDIPlus.au3> _GDIPlus_Startup() $hImage_JPG = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(".\images\test.jpg") _GDIPlus_ImageSaveToFile($hImage_JPG, ".\images\test.bmp") _GDIPlus_ImageDispose($hImage_JPG) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Worked for me. Windows 10. Autoit 64 bit version.
First my appology for resurecting this thread. But I'm curious, and someone monitoring this thread from way back might have good answers. 1: Does anyone use FANN (with autoit) these days? 2: Does anyone use it on win64? To me it looks like a wraper to handle pointers to structs are needed between the library and AutoIt? 3: Is there any other Neural Network Library in use with AutoIt?
If I understand the problem at hand you have several known windows appearing at an unknow sequence in time? You should look for a state machine solution. Take a look at this video: state-your-intentions-more-clearly-with-state-machines EDIT: Use if..elseif..elseif to identify available windows.
mLipok reacted to a post in a topic: Demo: Stdin, Stdout Io Between Parent And Child Processes
mLipok reacted to a post in a topic: Threaded Dll Sample
argumentum reacted to a post in a topic: Using scintilla in AutoIt
mLipok reacted to a post in a topic: A simple Trace udf.
mLipok reacted to a post in a topic: Profiling and optimizing code
...4 years of scripting, banned from using autoit? solution?
Uten replied to Mouse's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Hi Mouse, Ask your father if you can run your stuff on a guest account from a USB disk. It has been 4 years since I did this last time so bee kind to me if things have changed, ok. EDIT: The scite version packed with autoit-v3.zip works out of the box when you have unziped. If you want the extra tools that commes with scite4autoit3 yust unzip the content to the scite folder where you unziped autoit and ppresto a working environment ***** Obsolet part ***** Download the zip version of autoit and the ziped version of Scite4Autoit3. Unpack them. Open scite Open options->open au3.properties and locate the section: # Commands to compile / run your script Configure the lines according to how you unziped your files.. **************************** To get your own environment check out portableapps.com and other usb stick setups. If your father don't like this idea you could always use vbscript. But as @guinnes pointed out. Try to get your fathers aproval before you do anything! Or get your own computer.;o) Personally I only use old hardware with puppylinux and occationally wine ( to run woindows applications ) Happy scripting Uten -
Hi JeffKang, Is this still something your working with / has interest for? I made a system like this for an ALS patient (He could only move his head, everything else was dead ) almost 10 years back. We used some freeware, autoit, and an ordianary web cam to enable the man to read papers (PDF), read, write and, send mail, use skype, play music, listen to radio and do other tasks. I don't really understand how you think from your post but If your serious about this I can dig out some information from my archive and discuss your aproach with you. Best regards Uten
Alexxander reacted to a post in a topic: Hide Process Name?
FILE: au3FlashCards.au3 [autoit]; FILENAME: au3FlashCards.au3 ; PURPOSE: Functions to suport a flash card program ; ; INITIAL NOTES: #CS FILEFORMAT: ; au3 flashcard card format ; Select card type. Write question. Write optional answers seperated by |. Correct answer is enclosed by []. ; Card type:=text|option|checkbox|mathdrill|mathformula ; question:= What is a horse ; Answer options:=fruite|flower|[animal] [text card] ; Check agains matching text ; Check agains text pattern [option card] ; check agains selected regular text based option. ; Check agains slected picture based option. [checkbox card] ; Chek agains slected check boxes [math drill] ; Check agains answer or formula? Formula could check agains answers by using the formula? #CE - FILEFORMAT #include-once #include <dbgtools.au3> #include <au3FlashCardsTest.au3> AutoitSetOption('MustDeclareVars',1) global $gfsDeckNames = '' global $gfsCurrentDeckID = 0 Global $gfsCurrentCardID = 0 global $gfsArrDecks[1] = [0] global $gfsDeckMode = '' Global Enum $gfsEnumDeckMode0, $gfsEnumDeckMode1 Func __fsGetQuizType(ByRef $quizData) ; Return quiz type ;text|option|checkbox|mathdrill|mathformula If not IsArray($quizData) Then Return SetError(1,0,0) For $i = 1 to $quizData[0][0] If $quizData[$i][0] == 'CardType' Then ExitLoop Next If $i > $quizData[0][0] Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Return $quizData[$i][1] EndFunc func _fsCloseDecks() $gfsDeckMode = '' $gfsArrDecks[0] = 0 $gfsCurrentCardID = 0 $gfsCurrentDeckID = 0 $gfsDeckNames = '' EndFunc Func _fsOpenDecks($deckNames, $deckMode=$gfsEnumDeckMode0) ; Return True on success, false on error ; $deckNames is a | delimited list of pathnames (or ID) to ini(later on z7) files containing a deck. ; $deckMode = 0 --> sequential shufeling in _fsShufleDecks() ; $deckMode = 1 --> random shufeling in _fsShufleDecks() ; ; @error = 1, @extended=0: The one filename provided could not be located. ; @error = 1, @extended>0: File nr @extended in the list could not be located. ; Make sure we have an array Local $arr , $i If IsArray($decknames) then $arr = $decknames Else $arr = StringSplit($deckNames, '|') EndIf If $arr[0] == 1 then If not FileExists($arr[1]) Then err('Could not locat deck file: ' & $arr[1],@ScriptLineNumber-1, 1,0) $gfsArrDecks[0] = 0 $gfsCurrentDeckID = 0 Return SetError(1,0, false) EndIf Else For $i = 1 to $arr[0] if $arr[$i] <> "" then If Not FileExists($arr[$i]) Then err('Could not locat deck file:' & $arr[$i] & ' in ' & @WorkingDir,@ScriptLineNumber-1, 1,0) $gfsArrDecks[0] = 0 $gfsCurrentDeckID = 0 ; Return @error=1 and @extended = index of missing file. Return SetError(1, $i, false) EndIf EndIf Next EndIf $gfsArrDecks = $arr $gfsDeckMode = $deckMode ; TODO: How does $deckMode affect first $gfsCurrentDeckID? $gfsCurrentDeckID = 1 Return true EndFunc Func _fsShufleDecks() ; If several decks are provided in _fsOpenDecks then set current deck to use ; If _fsOpenDecks has not been called return error. ; ; @error=1: No files in the list. Need to call _fsOpenDecks If Not IsArray($gfsArrDecks) Then Return SetError(1,0,'') ; Shuffle If $gfsArrDecks[0] == 0 then err('deck count=0. Need valide call to _fsOpenDecks(...)') Return SetError(1,0,0) ElseIf $gfsArrDecks[0] == 1 Then $gfsCurrentDeckID = 1 Else $gfsCurrentDeckID = Random(1, $gfsArrDecks[0], 1) EndIf Return $gfsArrDecks[$gfsCurrentDeckID] EndFunc Func _fsGetCurrentDeck() ; Return current deck pathname (or ID) If $gfsCurrentDeckID == 0 Then err('no available decks.Make call to _fsOpendecks(...)?') Return SetError(1,0, '') EndIf ; Return $gfsArrDecks[$gfsCurrentDeckID] EndFunc Func _fsSetCurrentDeck($deck) ;@error=1, @extended=0: deck not in list ;@error=2, $extended=MAX_ID; ID Out of bounds ;@error=2, $extended=0; ID equals 0 Local $i If IsNumber($deck) Then If $deck == 0 then Return SetError(2, 0, $gfsArrDecks[$gfsCurrentDeckID]) ElseIf $deck >= $gfsArrDecks[0] Then Return SetError(2, $gfsArrDecks[0], $gfsArrDecks[$gfsCurrentDeckID]) Else $gfsCurrentDeckID = $deck EndIf Else For $i = 1 to $gfsArrDecks[0] If $deck == $gfsArrDecks[$i] Then $gfsCurrentDeckID = $i ExitLoop EndIf Next If $i > $gfsArrDecks[0] Then ; deck asked for is not in list. Make new call to _fsOpenDecks Return SetError(2, 0, $gfsArrDecks[$gfsCurrentDeckID]) EndIf EndIf Return $gfsArrDecks[$gfsCurrentDeckID] EndFunc Func __fsGetCardList(ByRef $arrCards, $deck='') ; Get deck information If $deck = '' Then $deck = _fsGetCurrentDeck() If err('_fsGetCurrentDeck():=' & $deck & ', missing call to _fsOpendecks()?') then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; ; Get cards count and reference information $arrCards = IniReadSectionNames($deck) if err('IniReadSectionNames(' & $deck & ') failed. Could not locate any cards in the deck') Then Return SetError(2,0,0) Return True EndFunc Func _fsGetNextCard(ByRef $quizdata, $previousID=-1) ; RETURN 0 if there is no next card or on error. ; ByRef $question: Returns a string with the question. ; ByRef $answers: Returns an array with the answer sugestions. ; ByRef $type: Returns a string with answer type information. ; $previousID: Optional. Provide Id of the previous question. If the deck was opened in ; sequential mode the next card id is delivered. ; ; @error = 1: $previousID > _fsGetLastCardID() ; Next card ddepends upon the deck (application mode) to use. ; It allso depends on the card uised last in that deck. ; Who is responsible for shuffeling decks? ; TODO: Should ther be some kind of history tracking in the cards? ; ; ChangeLog: ; Changed interface from ; (byref $question, byref $answers, byref $type, $previousID) ; To: ; (byref $quizdata, $previousID) ; $quizdata does now contain the an two dimentional array where [n][0] = keyname and ; [n][1] is the data. [0][0] contains the last index in the array. Local $cardID=0, $cardList Local $deck = _fsGetCurrentDeck() ; If err('__fsGetCardList(...)' & __fsGetCardList($cardList)) Then return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) Local $cardID Switch $gfsDeckMode case 0 ;Check if we have a valide previousID ; $previousID <> -1 The caller has determined witch card to get. If $previousID < -1 OR $previousID > $cardList[0]-1 Then Return SetError(4,0,0) $cardID = _fsGetNextCardID($gfsDeckMode, $previousID) case 1 assertNoCode() case 2 assertNoCode() EndSwitch If Not _fsGetCardByID($quizdata, $cardID) Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; ; Read next card from selected deck ; If err('_fsgetnextcardID(' & $previousID & ') failed.') Then ; assertNoCode() ; Else ; ; Check validity of cardID and read the card if it is valide. ; if $cardID > $cardList[0] then ; ; TODO: error or Next deck or start from begining? ; Return SetExtended(11,0) ; Else ; ; card ok. read it and return the values ; $quizdata = IniReadSection($deck, $cardList[$cardID]) ; If err('InireadSection(' & $deck & ', ' & $cardList[$cardID] & ') failed') then ; Return setError(12, 0, 0) ; EndIf ; EndIf ; EndIf return $cardID EndFunc Func _fsGetLastCardID() ; Return last cardID in Current deck ; @error:=1, @exteneded:=0 > Missing deck file? Call _fsopenDecks(...) Local $deck = _fsGetCurrentDeck() If not err('call to _fsGetCurrentDeck() failed. No current deck?') Then Local $sn = IniReadSectionNames($deck) If err('_fsGetLastCardID: Could not read section names in ' & _fsGetCurrentDeck()) Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf Else Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) EndIf Return $sn[0] EndFunc Func _fsSetCurrentCardID($cardID) ; External Overide of sequence $gfsCurrentCardID = $cardID EndFunc func _fsGetNextCardID($fsMode=0, $previousID=-1) ; Determine deck based on information provided in _fsOpenDeck$ ; Get the next cardID. Thyis could depend on $fsMode indicating ; 0=sequensial read, ; 1=random but not allready read in this session ; 2=Memory access mode (1,+3,+7,+14,+30,+90,+180,+352) Local $ret=0 If _fsGetCurrentDeck() == '' Then err('No deck available') Return SetError(1,0,0) EndIf Switch $gfsDeckMode case 0 ;Sequential read. Read until last card in deck. ;Then Switch to next deck in array. Repet until last card. If $previousID >= 0 Then If $previousID <= _fsGetLastCardID() -1 Then $ret = $previousID + 1 Else ; The caller must shufle or set next deck ; NOTE: Should SetExteneded be done to indicate why return is 0? assertNoCode('NO CODE Should the caller or I shufle and set next deck?') $ret = 0 EndIf ElseIf $gfsCurrentCardID <= _fsGetLastCardID() Then $gfsCurrentCardID += 1 $ret = $gfsCurrentCardID Else ; First card in next deck $gfsCurrentCardID = 1 $gfsCurrentDeckID += 1 If $gfsCurrentDeckID > $gfsArrDecks[0] Then $gfsCurrentDeckID = 1 assertNoCode('NO CODE Sequential read. Read until last card in deck is implemented but what about faulty answers?.') EndIf case 1 ; Random but no repetition (of correctly answered card) assertNoCode('NO CODE Random mode functionality not implemented') case 2 ; Memory access (strengthening) mode (1,+3,+7,+14,+30,+90,+180,+352) assertNoCode('NO CODE Memory access/strengthening functionality not implemented') EndSwitch Return $ret EndFunc Func _fsGetCardByID(ByRef $quizdata, $cardID, $line=@ScriptLineNumber) ;Read card matching ; @error=1, @extended=0 : Missing call to _fsOpenDecks? ; Changed interface from (ByRef $question, ByRef $answer, $cardID) ; to: (ByRef $quizdata, $cardID) Local $cardList Local $deck = _fsGetCurrentDeck() If err(__fsGetCardList($cardList, $deck)) Then return SetError(@error, @extended, 0) ; Makse sure we dont acces out of bounds If $cardList[0] < $cardID OR $cardID < 1 Then Return SetError(4,0,0) $quizdata = IniReadSection($deck, $cardList[$cardID]) If err('InireadSection(' & $deck & ', ' & $cardList[$cardID] & ') failed') then Return setError(3, 0, 0) Return True EndFunc Func _fsCheckAnswer($answer, $cardID) ; RETURN: True or false ; Check answer given against $cardID ; The answer is a | delimited list or array. Local $quizData, $i, $j, $answers If not IsArray($answer) Then $answers = StringSplit($answer, '|') If err(_fsGetCardByID($quizData,$cardID)) then Return SetError(@error, @extended, false) if not IsArray($quizData) Then Return SetError(19,0,false) For $i = 1 to $quizData[0][0] If $quizData[$i][0] == 'answer' Then ExitLoop Next If $i > $quizData[0][0] then Return SetError(20,0,False) For $j = 1 to $answers[0] if not StringInStr($quizdata[$i][1], __fsStringBracketClose($answers[$j])) Then todo('Add tracking functionality') Return SetExtended($j,False) EndIF Next Return True EndFunc Func __fsStringBracketClose($str) Local $ret = $str If Not (StringLeft($str,StringLen('[')) == '[') Then $ret = '[' & $ret If Not (StringRight($str,StringLen(']')) == ']') Then $ret = $ret & ']' Return $ret EndFunc Func _fsRecordAnswer($bool, $cardID, $fsMode=0, $static=0) ; $bool = true or false determines if the giwen asver was correct. ; TODO: Personal or global tracking of answers? ; Personal Tracking and recording is prefered. ; Application is portableapps compatible as efault ; Application ini could overide this and create tracking IniDelete ; in profile folder. assertNoCode() EndFunc Func test_fsRecordAnswer() ; _fsRecordAnswer($bool, $cardID, $fsMode=0, $static=0) ; $bool = true or false determines if the giwen asver was correct. ; _fsWriteTrackRecord($bool, $cardID, $fsMode=0) ; TODO: Personal or global tracking of answers? ; Personal Tracking and recording is prefered. ; Application is portableapps compatible as efault ; Application ini could overide this and create tracking IniDelete ; in profile folder. ; ; Logging correct or false answers could be done by means of an MRU list ; MRUwrong = 3 6 11 Local $section = @username & '@' & @computername & '::' & _fsGetCurrentDeck() assertNoCode() _fsCloseDecks() EndFunc If StringLeft(@ScriptName, StringLen(@scriptname)-4) == 'au3FlashCards' Then suite_au3FlashCardstest()
[SOLVED] Could you verify this code for me (arrays)
Uten replied to Uten's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Shit, caught by a really bad habit Thanks Jos.. -
[SOLVED] Could you verify this code for me (arrays)
Uten replied to Uten's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Good catch.. Unfortunately it does not change anything I get the same runlog if I wrap it up (@error = X). I would think it should make a diffrence, so I'm pussled. Usually I have a error detecting function rather than the check against @error Edit: This is the important line in the run log: (21) : (0)(0) 0 = CardType Evaluates to: True -
Why does an array element containing a 0 evaluate to true when compared to a hardcoded string? I would appreciate If someone could take the time to figure out if I have done something wrong before I make a fool out of my self and report a bug. Thanks.. My run log in scite. >"F:\portableapps\devtools\scite\..\autoit3tools\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.exe" /run /prod /ErrorStdOut /in "F:\Documents\code\au3\foo-adrian.au3" /autoit3dir "F:\portableapps\devtools\scite\..\autoit-v3.3.0.0" /UserParams +>20:10:44 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v. Environment(Language:0409 Keyboard:00000414 OS:WIN_2000/Service Pack 4 CPU:X86 ANSI) >Running AU3Check ( from:F:\portableapps\devtools\scite\..\autoit-v3.3.0.0 +>20:10:47 AU3Check ended.rc:0 >Running:(\portableapps\devtools\scite\..\autoit-v3.3.0.0\autoit3.exe "F:\Documents\code\au3\foo.au3" (21) : (0)(0) CardType = CardType Evaluates to: True (33) : (0)(0) $i:=2 (21) : (0)(0) 0 = CardType Evaluates to: True (43) : (0)(0) $i:=1 (44) : (0)(0) ERROR: Uhh, no error? $ret:=0 +>20:10:53 AutoIT3.exe ended.rc:0 +>20:10:54 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished >Exit code: 0 Time: 18.646 The code #include-once AutoitSetOption('MustDeclareVars',1) Func dbg($msg, $line=@ScriptLineNumber, $err=@error, $ext=@extended) Local $out = '(' & $line & ') : (' & $err & ')(' & $ext & ') ' & $msg If Not @Compiled AND ProcessExists('SciTE.exe') Then ConsoleWrite( $out & @CRLF) Else DllCall("kernel32.dll", "none", "OutputDebugString", "str", $out) EndIf EndFunc ; Func _ArrayScan(ByRef $arr, $line=@ScriptLineNumber) ; Return quiz type ;text|option|checkbox|mathdrill|mathformula Local $i = 0 If not IsArray($arr) Then Return SetError(1,0,'ERROR') For $i = 1 to $arr[0][0] If $arr[$i][0] = 'CardType' Then dbg($arr[$i][0] & ' = CardType Evaluates to: ' & ($arr[$i][0] = 'CardType')) ExitLoop EndIf Next If $i > $arr[0][0] Then Return SetError(2,0, $i) dbg('$i:=' & $i, $line) Return $arr[$i][1] EndFunc ; Func test__ArrayScan() Local $ret Local $arr[4][2] = [[3,0], ['question', 'Can you ride on a horse?'],['CardType','text'], ['answer', '[yes]|[you can]|[ofcource]']] $ret = _ArrayScan($arr) If Not @error = 0 Then dbg('Uhh, did not expect error?') If Not ($ret = 'text') Then dbg( 'Unexpected return. Expected text got' & $ret) ; Local $arr2a[4][2] = [[3,0],[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] $ret = _ArrayScan($arr2a) If Not @error = 2 Then dbg('Uhh, no error? $ret:=' & $ret) ; Local $arr2b[4][2] =[[3,0],[0,0],[0,0],[0,0]]; [[3,0],[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] $ret = _ArrayScan($arr2b) If not @error = 2 Then dbg('ERROR: Uhh, no error? $ret:=' & $ret) ; Local $arr3 = 3 $ret = _ArrayScan($arr3) If Not @error = 1 Then dbg('Uhh, no error? $ret:=' & $ret) EndFunc ; ============================================ test__ArrayScan() EDIT: Added solved in title
Compiling a script with a given variable
Uten replied to Kolesnikoff's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
Just analyse the output you get in scite when compiling a script and then do the same from your application. Your call in RunWait(...) should be something like this: F:\portableapps\devtools\scite\..\autoit-v3.3.0.0\aut2exe\aut2exe.exe /in "E:\DOCUME~1\UTENNA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\newexe.au3" /out "F:\newexe.exe" /comp 2 /pack /Bin E:\DOCUME~1\UTENNA~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\AutoItSC.bin -
Maybe try '"'That is single quotes( ' ) wrapping a double quote (") ?
Compiling a script with a given variable
Uten replied to Kolesnikoff's topic in AutoIt General Help and Support
To me this does not make any sense as described. Do you want to modify the existing exe or create a new one? Do you want to write out a script and use aut2exe to create a new exe? Or do you want to skip au2exe and create a binary thing containing information from $text? Maybe this old topic is what your after? EDIT: Just checked the topic again and to my surprise the code is waked? Is this just my problem or is it common to the rest of you?