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Zedna last won the day on January 14

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About Zedna

  • Birthday 10/02/1972

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  • Member Title
    AutoIt rulez!
  • Location
    Czech republic

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  1. Try to use/run _SQLite_ErrMsg() to get potential more detailed error message, typically after _SQLite_Exec().
  2. 1) look at my old topic about Send/ControlSend cripled national characters problem 2) Try to search this forum for "telnet", there are some useful topics about directly calling telnet without Send/ControlSend ...
  3. I wonder that "Sleep" is not the same as "Locked workstation" ...
  4. 1) post your code 2) look here: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/FAQ#Why_doesn't_my_script_work_on_a_locked_workstation?
  5. Not tested yours, but you my look at my older probably very similar project "Frame":
  6. Try to search for "powerbuilder" in this forum, there are quite lots of related topics ... https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/search/?q=powerbuilder&quick=1
  7. Try add ControlFocus(): WinWaitActive("Setup - CPGit") ControlFocus("Setup - CPGit","&Next >","TNewButton1") $res = ControlClick("Setup - CPGit","&Next >","TNewButton1") ...
  8. Add COM/OLE error checking to see error description and avoid hard crash ... $objErr = ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","MyErrFunc") $orionURL = 'http://'&$ipAddress&':5001/' $jsonData = '[{ "request": { "TokenName": "bitCMDGrantEnter", "LaneNumber":"'&$laneNumber&'", "Value": "true"}}]' $oHTTP = ObjCreate("MSXML2.XMLHTTP") $oHTTP.Open("POST", $orionURL, False) $oHTTP.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json") $oHTTP.Send($jsonData) ; ----ERRROR RIGHT HERE--------- If @error Then Exit ; ... Func MyErrFunc() MsgBox(48, 'COM Error', $objErr.description) SetError(1) EndFunc
  9. Look here at my CUI progressbar
  10. Based on that I think there was some problem/mistake with BOM (few binary nonvisible bytes at start of files defining UTF coding, BOM is not mandatory for UTF files).
  11. Look at my MouseClickFast & MouseMoveFast maybe it can help you - but no waranty 🙂
  12. Here is my function _TreeView_GetAll() which gets whole content of TreeView control, in this case even from external application: Here you can see how to simply traverse the whole TreeView ... #Include <String.au3> #Include <GuiTreeView.au3> $sAll = _TreeView_GetAll('OLE/COM Object Viewer', '', 'SysTreeView322') FileDelete('treeview_get_all.txt') FileWrite('treeview_get_all.txt', $sAll) ;~ClipPut($sAll) Func _TreeView_GetAll($title, $text, $classNN, $expand = False, $indent = ' ', $bullet = '') ; $bullet = '- ' $hWnd = ControlGetHandle($title, $text, $classNN) $sAll = '' If $expand Then _GUICtrlTreeView_Expand($hWnd) ; Expand All $hItem = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetFirstItem($hWnd) While $hItem <> 0x00000000 $sItem = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetText($hWnd, $hItem) $level = _GUICtrlTreeView_Level($hWnd, $hItem) $sIndent = _StringRepeat($indent, $level) $sAll &= $sIndent & $bullet & $sItem & @CRLF $hItem = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetNext($hWnd, $hItem) WEnd Return $sAll EndFunc
  13. Check the result of WinActivate(), it may return 0 if window is not found ...
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