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Posted (edited)

Kinda simple, but I use it alot, and i only just finished it.

Types the same thing x times with y sleep between send commands. Also includes special keys.

I also included a %var% variable you can use, which is just the type count added in. any thing within the %'s is evaluated, so you can do %var * 2% and it will show 0246810. Unless someone can show me how, it only allows 1 set of %'s.

As you can probably guess, a negative value for the total to do gives an infinite loop, but you can pause + resume and exit by hotkey.

HotkeySet ("^!{END}", "Stop")
HotkeySet ("^!{HOME}", "Pause")

I have managed to damage at least one program during testing, and i must therefore add that I bear absolutely no responsibilty for what you do with this.

other features are; a send keys raw option/special chars and a special chars list.

The script.

an exe in a zip

Please reply this time... My last 3 or 4 releases have had no replys, and i bumped one too...


update: now using var instead of n, I realised that n meant "%StringReverse (n)%" wouldn't work, it does now!!

Edited by mdiesel

Great script. Easy to use and easy for the eyes.

Those small programs are just perfect for all those small online-games where you are supposed to jackhammer some keys :D

Did encounter an error when using these settings:

{Browser_Home} | Sleep 1 | 10 times (yes its just stupid.... but thats how i am)



AutoIt Error


Line -1:

Error: Expected a "=" operator in assignment statement.




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I can see nothing in there to trigger that particular error, which if i'm right is when you don't predeclare an array, I don't use any arrays except for 1, which is generated by StringRegExp, and is gaurenteed to work if called, as it is in an if test. I tried it with the same settings, and it works fine. Furthermore, line -1 is usually a problem initialising the script, so I cant seem to repeat it.

was that the exe or source? (or both...)

anyone got any idea how I can use more than one set of %'s??


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