kjactive Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 (edited) Au3PreProcessor 1.8 - a totally rewrite of one old application of mine that gave me gray hear of trouble but durring the long and dark month here in the December nights in Copenhagen, Denmark - Well almost a black hole, shi¤%/&(...The application started years ago when I discovered some trouble with the autoit3 compile concepts - to buildin all includes totally, no selective of only used functions and constants and that is just what this tool do - read in depth what is used and not, no limits how deep it goes 'reused functions from other .udf in these includes' . Another thing is that some peoble has concerns that scripts can be read after the 'wrap into an execute' well this tool makes script almost non readable - check out this script your self...One has to remember with these third level interpretted languages as 'autoit3' that they has to read in every character one by one, build constant variable lists and function lists before any action take place and Au3PreProcess can speed up the execute process and squize the application weight for some 500 Kb in some conditions as the final script only holds the used constans and functions...The application is a beta version as only the PreProcess action is written and functional and I would like to get responce or ideers for implimentations but planned is to be able to write a Makefile to easy do a directly recompile, do a testing execute process and to do a directly compile pass to 'CompileIt.exe with or without intuition...There is no way the application can cobe for directly created function calls with the function 'Call' and I do thing that it could be a problem with plug-ins' but I don't know jet here...Copy the script below to a directory and use the Process gadget - this will do a PreProcessed Clone from the Process options in the local path with a '_Pre' attached...Please report trouble but beaware that autoit3 is a 'typeless language' and not every Process options is wice in every conditions as ';' is a parametre for comments but could also be written into a string and then the string would be half and faulty...CODEGlobal Const $LVM_FIRST=0x1000Global Const $GUI_CHECKED= 1Global Const $LVS_EX_GRIDLINES= 0x00000001Global Const $LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES= 0x00000004Global Const $LV_ERR=-1Global Const $LVIF_STATE=0x8Global Const $LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK=0xF000Global Const $LVM_SETITEMSTATE=($LVM_FIRST+43)Global Const $MEM_MAP="uint;uint;ptr"Global Const $MEM_MAP_HPROC=1Global Const $MEM_MAP_ISIZE=2Global Const $MEM_MAP_PMEM=3Global Const $MEM_COMMIT=0x00001000Global Const $MEM_RESERVE=0x00002000Global Const $MEM_SHARED=0x08000000Global Const $PAGE_READWRITE=0x00000004Global Const $PROCESS_VM_OPERATION=0x00000008Global Const $PROCESS_VM_READ=0x00000010Global Const $PROCESS_VM_WRITE=0x00000020HotKeySet("^q",'Exits');trap Q to quitGlobal Const $Prefs='HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\Au3PreProcess\Prefs'; preferences entryGlobal Const $title='Au3Preprocess',$Rev='1.8'; titleGlobal $dm1,$Main,$Edit,$ListC,$ConstC,$FuncC,$PreproC,$RemCommBC,$RemCommTC,$RemBlankC,$RemTabsC,$RemLinesC,$RemOpeC,$RemPreC,$DoCompC,$DoCheckC,$LabelC,$WriteC,$ReloadC,$RemoveC,$DoTestC,$CompileC; Global main controlsGlobal Const $Au3Path=RegRead('HKLM\Software\AutoIt v3\AutoIt','InstallDir'); get AutoIt3 pathGlobal $RemCommB,$RemCommT,$RemBlank,$RemTabs,$RemLines,$RemOpe,$DoComp,$DoCheck; buttons variables to preferencesGlobal $ProTM,$RunTM,$ComTM,$TopTM,$AboTM,$ExiTM; Tray menus item variablesGlobal $includelist,$functionlist,$UsedFunctionslist; internal database variables with a blank character as sepperatorGlobal $Chars; The main script to check-to speedup process we hold itGlobal Const $cc=Chr(0x3B),$ch=$cc&' ======================================================================='&@CRLFGLobal $filein,$fileout,$inpathReadPrefs($Prefs); read in the preferencesMainWin(); open main intuitionWhile 1$msg=GUIGetMsg(1)SelectCase $msg[1]=0x00000000; Non initiated ticks handleCase $msg[1]=$Main; Main window handleSelectCase $msg[0]=-3; Quit main window handleExits()Case $msg[0]=$RemCommBC$RemCommB=GUICtrlRead($RemCommBC)Case $msg[0]=$RemCommTC$RemCommT=GUICtrlRead($RemCommTC)Case $msg[0]=$RemBlankC$RemBlank=GUICtrlRead($RemBlankC)Case $msg[0]=$RemTabsC$RemTabs=GUICtrlRead($RemTabsC)Case $msg[0]=$RemLinesC$RemLines=GUICtrlRead($RemLinesC)Case $msg[0]=$RemOpeC$RemOpe=GUICtrlRead($RemOpeC)Case $msg[0]=$DoCompC$DoComp=GUICtrlRead($DoCompC)Case $msg[0]=$DoCheckC$DoCheck=GUICtrlRead($DoCheckC)Case $msg[0]=$PreproCExecutePreProcess()Case $msg[0]=$DoTestCGUICtrlSetData($LabelC,'Not inteplementated jet-Use Process...')Case $msg[0]=$WriteCGUICtrlSetData($LabelC,'Not inteplementated jet-Use Process...')EndSelectEndSelectWendExits()Func ExecutePreProcess()If $Filein='' Or StringRight($Filein,1)='\' Then$f=FileLoad('Load in a file to PreProcess...',$inPath,'Scripts (*.aut;*.au3)')If $f='' ThenMsgBox(48,'ERROR...','Okay Project Cancel')ReturnElseIf FileExists($f) Then$Filein=$fElseMsgBox(48,'ERROR...','ERROR-Project file failed')ReturnEndifEndIfEndIfGUICtrlSendMsg($ListC,0x1009,0,0)GUICtrlSendMsg($FuncC,0x1009,0,0)GUICtrlSendMsg($ConstC,0x1009,0,0)$fileout=StringReplace($filein,'.','_Pre.')GetIncludeList($Filein); Init the variable $includelist containing used #includesGetSubIncludes(); Check all subincludes for includes and insert these into the listview displayMakeFuncAvailableList()MakeDeepCheckForNewFunctions()SampleMainAndSubFunctionsTemporary()CheckTemporaryScriptForGlobalConstants()WritePreprocessedScriptAndCleanUp($fileout)Dim $includelist='',$functionlist='',$UsedFunctionslist='',$inpath=StringMid($filein,1,StringInStr($filein,'\',0,-1)),$filein=''EndFuncFunc WritePreprocessedScriptAndCleanUp($file)Dim $in=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpScript.txt',$header=$ch&$cc&' '&$title&' '&$Rev&' Preprocessed-Date '&@MDAY&':'&@MON&':'&@YEAR&' Time '&@HOUR&':'&@MIN&@CRLF&$ch$IDI=FileOpen($in,2)$ID=FileOpen(@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpConstants.txt',0)$chars=$header&FileRead($ID)&$charsFileClose($ID)FileWrite($IDI,$chars)FileClose($IDI)$IDO=FileOpen($file,2)$IDI=FileOpen($in,0)While 1$Line=FileReadLine($IDI)If @error Then Exitloop$wd=StringInStr($line,$cc)if $RemCommB=1 AND $wd=1 Then; remove comment blocks$line='?'ElseIf $RemCommT=1 AND $wd>1 Then; remove traling comments$Line=StringMid($line,1,$wd-1)EndIfif StringInStr($line,'#include ')=1 Then; Remove IncludesIf StringLeft($line,1)='#' Then$line='?'EndIfElseif $RemLines=1 AND StringLen(StringStripWS($Line,8))=0 Then; remove empty lines$line='?'Elseif $RemBlank=1 Then$line=StringStripWS($Line,7)EndIfif $RemTabs=1 Then; remove tab characters$line=StringReplace($Line,'','')EndIfIf $line<>'?' then FileWriteLine($IDO,$Line)WEndFileClose($IDI)FileClose($IDO)If $RemOpe=1 Then; remove blank characters around operators$IDI=FileOpen($file,0)$chars=FileRead($IDI)FileClose($IDI)$chars=StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($chars,'=','='),'+','+'),'-','-'),'>','>'),'<','<'),'*','*'),'<>','<>'),'&','&')$IDO=FileOpen($file,2)FileWrite($IDO,StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($chars,'>=','>='),'<=','<='),',',','),'+=','+='),'-=','-='))FileClose($IDI)EndIfIf $DoCheck=1 Then$IDI=FileOpen($file,0)$chars=FileRead($IDI)FileClose($IDI)If StringInStr($chars,'Case $msg[1]=0x00000000')=0 Or StringInStr($chars,'Case $msg[1]=0')=0 then _say('no ticks catch function')If StringInStr($chars,' Call(')>0 then _say('ERROR-Posible trouble with user-defined function durring the "CALL" function')If StringInStr($chars,'PluginOpen(')>0 then _say('ERROR-Posible trouble with plugin as this feature is not preprocessed')EndIfCleanUp()EndFuncFunc CheckTemporaryScriptForGlobalConstants()Dim $tmp=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\Constants.txt',$in=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpScript.txt',$out=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpConstants.txt',$lines[9999]$ID=FileOpen($tmp,0)$IDI=FileOpen($in,0)$chars=FileRead($IDI)$IDO=FileOpen($out,10)dim $a=1,$t=''While 1$Line=FileReadLine($ID)If @error Then Exitloop$wd=_GetWord($Line,3)If StringLeft($wd,1)='$' Then$a+=1$lines[$a]=$lineIf StringInStr($chars,$wd) ThenFileWriteLine($IDO,$Line)GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($wd,$ConstC)$t=$t&$wdEndIfEndIfWEnd$lines[0]=$aFileClose($ID)FileClose($IDI)FileClose($IDO)$IDO=FileOpen($out,0)$tmpconst=FileRead($IDO)FileClose($IDO)$a=0Do$a+=1$wd=_GetWord($Lines[$a],3)If StringInStr($tmpconst,$wd)>0 AND StringInStr($t,$wd)=0 Then$tmpconst=$lines[$a]&@CRLF&$tmpconst$t=$t&$wd$a=0GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($wd,$ConstC)EndIfUntil $a=$lines[0]$IDO=FileOpen($out,2)FileWrite($IDO,$tmpconst)FileClose($IDO)EndFuncFunc SampleMainAndSubFunctionsTemporary()Dim $tmp=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpFunctions.txt',$out=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpScript.txt'$IDI=FileOpen($tmp,0)$IDO=FileOpen($out,10)$Funcs=FileRead($IDI)FileWrite($IDO,$chars)FileWriteLine($IDO,@CRLF&$ch&'; Preprocessed included functions...'&@CRLF&$ch)FileWrite($IDO,$Funcs)FileClose($IDI)FileClose($IDO)EndFuncFunc MakeDeepCheckForNewFunctions()$tmp=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpFunctions.txt'If Fileexists($tmp) Then FileDelete($tmp)Do$tmpfunctionlist=_CountWords($UsedFunctionslist)GetMainScriptUsedFunctions($Filein)CheckForFuncInFunctions()Until _CountWords($UsedFunctionslist)=$tmpfunctionlistEndFuncFunc CheckForFuncInFunctions()Dim $tmp=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpFunctions.txt'$ID=FileOpen($tmp,0)While 1$Line=FileReadLine($ID)If @error Then Exitloop$wd=StringInStr($Line,' _'); check for blank character beforeIf $wd=0 Then$wd=StringInStr($Line,'_'); check for Tab character beforeElseIf $wd=0 Then$wd=StringInStr($Line,'=_'); check for non blank character beforeEndIfIf $wd>4 then$wd=_Getword(StringReplace(StringMid($line,$wd),'(',' '),1); get first word with change the ( character to blank character-then the function call is first wordIf StringInStr($UsedFunctionslist,$wd)=0 Then; check for dubblets in database and if not pressent include into temporary database and file-tmpfunctions.txt$UsedFunctionslist=$UsedFunctionslist&' '&$wdGUICtrlCreateListViewItem($wd,$FuncC)$IDO=FileOpen($tmp,9)$IDI=FileOpen(@ScriptDir&'\Temp\'&$wd&'.au3',0)$Funcs=FileRead($IDI)FileWrite($IDO,$Funcs)FileClose($IDI)FileClose($IDO)EndifEndIfWEndFileClose($ID)EndFuncFunc GetMainScriptUsedFunctions($File)Dim $tmp=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\TmpFunctions.txt'$ID=FileOpen($File,0)IF $ID=-1 THEN Return$chars=FileRead($ID)FileClose($ID)$NumOfFunctions=_CountWords($functionlist)For $a=1 To $NumOfFunctions$wd=_GetWord($functionlist,$a)If StringInStr($chars,$wd)>0 ThenIf StringInStr($UsedFunctionslist,$wd)=0 Then$UsedFunctionslist=$UsedFunctionslist&' '&$wdGUICtrlCreateListViewItem($wd,$FuncC)$IDI=FileOpen(@ScriptDir&'\Temp\'&$wd&'.au3',0)$IDO=FileOpen($tmp,9)$Funcs=FileRead($IDI)FileWrite($IDO,$Funcs)FileClose($IDI)FileClose($IDO)EndIfEndIfNextEndFuncFunc MakeFuncAvailableList()Dim $NumIncludes=_CountWords($includelist),$sw=0For $a=1 To $NumIncludes$wd=_GetWord($includelist,$a)$ID=FileOpen($Au3Path&'\Include\'&$wd,0)While 1$Line=FileReadLine($ID)If @error Then ExitloopIf StringLower(StringLeft($Line,5))='func ' Then$tmp=_Getword(StringReplace($Line,'(',' '),2)$IDO=FileOpen(@ScriptDir&'\Temp\'&$tmp&'.au3',10)FileWriteLine($IDO,$Line)$functionlist=$functionlist&' '&$tmp$sw=1Elseif $sw=1 ThenFileWriteLine($IDO,$Line)If StringLower(StringLeft($Line,7))='endfunc' Then$sw=1FileClose($IDO)EndIfEndIfWEndFileClose($ID)NextEndFuncFunc GetIncludeList($File)If StringInStr($File,'.au3')=0 then Return; check for filetype$ID=FileOpen($File,0)IF $ID=-1 THEN ReturnGUICtrlSetData($LabelC,'Checking for include lines-Please wait...')For $a=1 To 50$Line=FileReadLine($ID)If @error Then Exitloop$pos=StringInStr($line,'#include')If $pos>0 thenIf StringInStr(StringLeft($Line,$Pos),$cc)=0 AND StringInStr($line,'-once')=0 Then$tmp=StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($line,"'",' '),'"',' '),'<',' '),'>',' ')$tmp=_Getword(StringMid($tmp,$Pos+9),1)If StringInStr($includelist,$tmp)=0 Then$includelist=$includelist&' '&$tmpEndIfEndIfEndIfNextFileClose($ID)GUICtrlSetData($LabelC,'Done...')ReturnEndFuncFunc GetSubIncludes()dim $NumIncludes=_CountWords($includelist),$a=0,$wd,$tmp=@ScriptDir&'\Temp\Constants.txt'If Fileexists($tmp) Then FileDelete($tmp)Do; Get all used includes also in sub scripts$a+=1$wd=_GetWord($includelist,$a)GetIncludeList($Au3Path&'\Include\'&$wd)$NumIncludes=_CountWords($includelist)GUICtrlCreateListViewItem($wd,$listC); display all in the listview_GUICtrlListViewSetCheckState($listC,$a-1,1); check them all$ID=FileOpen($Au3Path&'\Include\'&$wd,0)$IDO=FileOpen($tmp,9)While 1$Line=FileReadLine($ID)If @error OR StringLower(StringLeft($Line,5))='func ' Then ExitloopIf StringInStr($line,'Global ')>0 thenFileWriteLine($IDO,$Line)EndIfWEndFileClose($ID)FileClose($IDO)Until $a=$NumIncludesEndFuncFunc MainWin()$Main=GuiCreate($title&' '&$Rev,620,305 ,$dm1[1],$dm1[2]);GUISetIcon(@ScriptDir&"\Data\Default.ico",'',$Main)$ListC=GUICtrlCreateListView('Checked Includes',0,0,150,280,-1,BitOr($LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES,$LVS_EX_GRIDLINES))$FuncC=GUICtrlCreateListView('Builin Functions',150,0,150,280,-1,$LVS_EX_GRIDLINES)$ConstC=GUICtrlCreateListView('Included Global Constants',300,0,150,280,-1,$LVS_EX_GRIDLINES)GUICtrlCreateGroup('Special PreProcess Actions',460,5,152,178)$RemCommBC=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Remove comment blocks',467,20,-1,-1)$RemCommTC=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Remove trail comments',467,40,-1,-1)$RemBlankC=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Remove multi blank chars',467,60,-1,-1)$RemTabsC=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Remove Tab chars',467,80,-1,-1)$RemLinesC=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Remove empty Lines',467,100,-1,-1)$RemOpeC=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Remove around operators',467,120,-1,-1)$DoCompC=GUICtrlCreateCheckbox('Auto Compile',467,160,-1,-1)$LabelC=GUICtrlCreateInput('',0,284,620,20)GUICtrlCreateGroup('MakeFile',460,185,72,94)$WriteC=GUICtrlCreateButton('Write',465,205,60,20)$ReloadC=GUICtrlCreateButton('ReLoad',465,230,60,20)$RemoveC=GUICtrlCreateButton('Remove',465,255,60,20)GUICtrlCreateGroup('Action',540,185,72,94)$PreproC=GUICtrlCreateButton('Process',545,205,60,20)$DoTestC=GUICtrlCreateButton('Run test',545,230,60,20)$CompileC=GUICtrlCreateButton('Compile',545,255,60,20)GUICtrlSendMsg($listC,0x101E,0,146)GUICtrlSendMsg($ConstC,0x101E,0,146)GUICtrlSendMsg($FuncC,0x101E,0,146)GUICtrlSendMsg($ListC,0x14,0,2)If $RemCommB=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($RemCommBC,$GUI_CHECKED)If $RemCommT=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($RemCommTC,$GUI_CHECKED)If $RemBlank=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($RemBlankC,$GUI_CHECKED)If $RemTabs=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($RemTabsC,$GUI_CHECKED)If $RemLines=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($RemLinesC,$GUI_CHECKED)If $RemOpe=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($RemOpeC,$GUI_CHECKED)If $DoComp=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($DoCompC ,$GUI_CHECKED)If $DoCheck=1 Then GuiCtrlSetState($DoCheckC ,$GUI_CHECKED)GuiSetState()TraySetIcon(@ScriptDir&"\Data\Default.ico",0)TraySetToolTip('Au3PreProcess 1.8-The AutoIt3 script PreProcessor')EndFuncFunc ReadPrefs($Prefs)$var=RegRead($Prefs,"1")If @error Then $var='182 234';Main: x y$dm1=StringSplit($var," ")$RemCommB=RegRead($Prefs,'RemCommB')If @error Then $RemCommB='4'$RemCommT=RegRead($Prefs,'RemCommT')If @error Then $RemCommT='4'$RemBlank=RegRead($Prefs,'RemBlank')If @error Then $RemBlank='4'$RemTabs=RegRead($Prefs,'RemTabs')If @error Then $RemTabs='4'$RemLines=RegRead($Prefs,'RemLines')If @error Then $RemLines='4'$RemOpe=RegRead($Prefs,'RemOperators')If @error Then $RemOpe='4'$RemPre=RegRead($Prefs,'RemPreprocess')If @error Then $RemPre='4'$DoComp=RegRead($Prefs,'DoCompile')If @error Then $DoComp='4'$DoCheck=RegRead($Prefs,'CheckSpecial')If @error Then $DoCheck='4'$inpath=RegRead($Prefs,'InFilePath')If @error then $inpath=$Au3PathEndFuncFunc WritePrefs($Prefs)$tmp=WinGetPos($Main)If $tmp[0]>0 ThenRegWrite($Prefs,'1','REG_SZ',$tmp[0]&' '&$tmp[1])If @error Then MsgBox(48,"ERROR...","Save preferences failed")RegWrite($Prefs,'RemCommB','REG_SZ',$RemCommB)RegWrite($Prefs,'RemCommT','REG_SZ',$RemCommT)RegWrite($Prefs,'RemBlank','REG_SZ',$RemBlank)RegWrite($Prefs,'RemTabs','REG_SZ',$RemTabs)RegWrite($Prefs,'RemLines','REG_SZ',$RemLines)RegWrite($Prefs,'RemOperators','REG_SZ',$RemOpe)RegWrite($Prefs,'CheckSpecial','REG_SZ',$DoCheck)RegWrite($Prefs,'DoCompile','REG_SZ',$DoComp)RegWrite($Prefs,'InFilePath','REG_SZ',$inpath)EndIfEndFuncFunc Exits()WritePrefs($Prefs)CleanUp()ExitEndFuncFunc CleanUp()local $d=@ScriptDir&'\Temp'If FileExists($d) ThenIF DirRemove($d,1) ThenGUICtrlSetData($LabelC,'Temporary files removed and Preprocessed file created...')ElseGUICtrlSetData($LabelC,'ERROR-Failed to remove temporary files but the preprocessed file created...')EndIfEndIfEndFuncFunc FileLoad($mess,$Path,$suff)$var=FileOpenDialog($mess,$Path,$Suff,5)If @error Then Return ''Return StringReplace($var,"|",@CRLF)EndFuncFunc _GUICtrlListViewSetCheckState($h_listview,$i_index,$i_check=1)Local $struct="int;int;int;int;int;ptr;int;int;int;int;int;ptr",$retLocal $p=DllStructCreate($struct)If @error Then Return SetError($LV_ERR,$LV_ERR,$LV_ERR)DllStructSetData($p,1,$LVIF_STATE)DllStructSetData($p,2,$i_index)If ($i_check) ThenDllStructSetData($p,4,0x2000)ElseDllStructSetData($p,4,0x1000)EndIfDllStructSetData($p,5,$LVIS_STATEIMAGEMASK)If IsHWnd($h_listview) ThenLocal $pIndex=DllStructGetPtr($p)Local $iSize=DllStructGetSize($p)Local $rMemMapLocal $pMemory=_MemInit ($h_listview,$iSize+4096,$rMemMap)If @error Then Return SetError($LV_ERR,$LV_ERR,$LV_ERR)_MemWrite ($rMemMap,$pIndex)If @error Then Return SetError($LV_ERR,$LV_ERR,$LV_ERR)$ret=_SendMessage ($h_listview,$LVM_SETITEMSTATE,$i_index,$pMemory)If @error Then Return SetError($LV_ERR,$LV_ERR,$LV_ERR)_MemFree ($rMemMap)If @error Then Return SetError($LV_ERR,$LV_ERR,$LV_ERR)Else$ret=GUICtrlSendMsg($h_listview,$LVM_SETITEMSTATE,$i_index,DllStructGetPtr($p))EndIfReturn $retEndFunc;==>_GUICtrlListViewSetCheckStateFunc _GetWord($st,$no)If NOT IsString($st) OR NOT IsInt($no) OR $no<1 ThenSetError(1)Return ''EndIf$st=StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($st,'',' '),' ',' '),' ',' ')$len=StringLen($st)FOR $a=1 TO $len$b=StringMid($st,$a,1)If $b<>' ' Then ExitloopNext$st=StringMid($st,$a)$st=StringSplit($st,' ')If $no>$st[0] Then return ''Return $st[$no]EndFuncFunc _CountWords($st)If NOT IsString($st) ThenSetError(1)Return ''EndIf$st=StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace($st,'',' '),' ',' '),' ',' ')$len=StringLen($st)FOR $a=1 TO $len$b=StringMid($st,$a,1)If $b<>' ' Then ExitloopNextFor $b=$len TO 1 Step -1$c=StringMid($st,$b,1)If $c<>' ' Then ExitloopNext$st=StringSplit(StringMid($st,$a,$b-$a+1),' ')Return $st[0]EndFuncFunc _Say($st)ConsoleWrite($st&@CR)EndFuncFunc _MemInit($hWnd,$iSize,ByRef $rMemMap,$pAddress=0)Local $iAccess,$iAllocationLocal $pMemory,$hProcessLocal $iProcessID_GetWindowThreadProcessId($hWnd,$iProcessID)$iAccess=BitOR($PROCESS_VM_OPERATION,$PROCESS_VM_READ,$PROCESS_VM_WRITE)$hProcess=_OpenProcess($iAccess,False,$iProcessID)Switch @OSVersionCase "WIN_ME","WIN_98","WIN_95"$iAllocation=BitOR($MEM_RESERVE,$MEM_COMMIT,$MEM_SHARED)$pMemory=_VirtualAlloc($pAddress,$iSize,$iAllocation,$PAGE_READWRITE)Case Else$iAllocation=BitOR($MEM_RESERVE,$MEM_COMMIT)$pMemory=_VirtualAllocEx($hProcess,$pAddress,$iSize,$iAllocation,$PAGE_READWRITE)EndSwitchIf @error Then Return SetError(-1,-1,0)$rMemMap=DllStructCreate($MEM_MAP)DllStructSetData($rMemMap,$MEM_MAP_HPROC,$hProcess)DllStructSetData($rMemMap,$MEM_MAP_ISIZE,$iSize)DllStructSetData($rMemMap,$MEM_MAP_PMEM,$pMemory)Return $pMemoryEndFunc;==>_MemInitFunc _SendMessage($h_hWnd,$i_msg,$wParam=0,$lParam=0,$i_r=0,$s_t1="int",$s_t2="int")Local $a_ret=DllCall("user32.dll","long","SendMessage","hwnd",$h_hWnd,"int",$i_msg,$s_t1,$wParam,$s_t2,$lParam)If @error Then Return SetError(@error,@extended,"")If $i_r>=0 And $i_r<=4 Then Return $a_ret[$i_r]Return $a_retEndFunc;==>_SendMessageFunc _GetWindowThreadProcessId($hWnd,ByRef $iProcessID)Local $rProcessID,$aResult$rProcessID=DllStructCreate("int")$aResult=DllCall("User32.dll","int","GetWindowThreadProcessId","hwnd",$hWnd,"ptr",DllStructGetPtr($rProcessID))If @error Or Not IsArray($aResult) Then Return SetError(-1,-1,0)$iProcessID=DllStructGetData($rProcessID,1)Return $aResult[0]EndFunc;==>_GetWindowThreadProcessIdFunc _OpenProcess($iAccess,$bInherit,$iProcessID)Local $aResult=DllCall("Kernel32.Dll","int","OpenProcess","int",$iAccess,"int",$bInherit,"int",$iProcessID)If @error Or Not IsArray($aResult) Then Return SetError(-1,-1,0)Return $aResult[0]EndFunc;==>_OpenProcessFunc _VirtualAlloc($pAddress,$iSize,$iAllocation,$iProtect)Local $aResult=DllCall("Kernel32.dll","ptr","VirtualAlloc","ptr",$pAddress,"int",$iSize,"int",$iAllocation,"int",$iProtect)If @error Or Not IsArray($aResult) Then Return SetError(-1,-1,0)Return $aResult[0]EndFunc;==>_VirtualAllocFunc _VirtualAllocEx($hProcess,$pAddress,$iSize,$iAllocation,$iProtect)Local $aResult=DllCall("Kernel32.dll","ptr","VirtualAllocEx","int",$hProcess,"ptr",$pAddress,"int",$iSize,"int",$iAllocation,"int",$iProtect)If @error Or Not IsArray($aResult) Then Return SetError(-1,-1,0)Return $aResult[0]EndFunc;==>_VirtualAllocExHappy new yearkjactive Edited December 30, 2006 by jpm Vasiarezrit 1 Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
Zedna Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Do you know about CleanScript? Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
jpm Posted December 30, 2006 Posted December 30, 2006 Difficult to read your message with a so long code. It would have been better to attach a file. Back to your post the _memWrite _memread are missing :">
kjactive Posted December 31, 2006 Author Posted December 31, 2006 (edited) Difficult to read your message with a so long codeOhh that's why the text did that ord thing - but I couldn't find the edit script gadget that used to be located at the buttom..._memWrite _memread are missingWhat do you mean - in my script or another test script...About Cleanscript well in my case it didn't do anything than clean a testing script from 22Kb into a masive 205Kb while Au3PreProcess sampled the script, nessesary udf functions and only the Constants needed into an independed script at 19,5Kb - well I program applications because it's fun anddo not care if anything is written before - anyway...kjactive Edited December 31, 2006 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
jpm Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 Ohh that's why the text did that ord thing - but I couldn't find the edit script gadget that used to be located at the buttom...What do you mean - in my script or another test script...About Cleanscript well in my case it didn't do anything than clean a testing script from 22Kb into a masive 205Kb while Au3PreProcess sampled the script, nessesary udf functions and only the Constants needed into an independed script at 19,5Kb - well I program applications because it's fun anddo not care if anything is written before - anyway...kjactiveYou don't need any script gadget just upload your file with the upload button just below the message writing area.Yes your posted script is missing the mentioned functions.Happy new year
Zedna Posted December 31, 2006 Posted December 31, 2006 About Cleanscript well in my case it didn't do anything than clean a testing script from 22Kb into a masive 205Kb while Au3PreProcess sampled the script, nessesary udf functions and only the Constants needed into an independed script at 19,5Kb - well I program applications because it's fun anddo not care if anything is written before - anyway...kjactivekjactive no offense I wan't to help you at least with some ideas. I'm using CleanScript and it works very well for me. My output EXEs are noticable smaller, mostly when using huge standard GUI include files. Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
Developers Jos Posted December 31, 2006 Developers Posted December 31, 2006 .... My output EXEs are noticable smaller, mostly when using huge standard GUI include files.Can you give an example of how much that is ? (just curious ) SciTE4AutoIt3 Full installer Download page - Beta files Read before posting How to post scriptsource Forum etiquette Forum Rules Live for the present, Dream of the future, Learn from the past.
kjactive Posted January 1, 2007 Author Posted January 1, 2007 (edited) You are absolute right JPM, _MemRead etc. were missing - actually a lot of functions and constants variables were missing but no more I hope - thanks for the report... I would like to get bugs reports as it's a totally rewrite of one of my oldiest, I packed it into a .zip archive with execute and the PreProcessed script, both now functional without the include directory available - all functions and constants totally buildin... Regarding CleanScript v/ Au3PreProcessor - I did a testing script, PreProcessed and compiled both scripts, result Cleanscript wrapped a 242Kb file, Au3PreProcess 201Kb ( 20% diff. ), the testing script without any PreProcess made compiled 243Kb - same PreProcess test but unwrapped into a execute file, Cleanscript 211Kb, Au3PreProcess 29Kb Please read the readme file first... kjactive :"> Edited May 7, 2007 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
eltorro Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Nice tool! I've been putting off writing something like this hoping....I tried on a couple of scripts and I did find a bug. Au3Preprocess is failing to get variables out of <Constants.au3>. I put together a little test script to demonstrate.expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <Constants.au3> Global $pid; Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) $GUI = GUICreate("Au3PreProcess test.", 622, 455, 257, 111) GUISetOnEvent(-3,"Quit") GUICtrlCreateLabel("Process to launch.", 10, 8, 92, 17) $Process = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 8, 32, 545, 21, -1, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) $Browse = GUICtrlCreateButton("...", 568, 32, 41, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Browse") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "MS Sans Serif") $Output = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 8, 64, 601, 337, $ES_READONLY, $WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) GUICtrlSetData($Output, "") GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 9, 400, 0, "Courier New") GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFFFFFF) GUICtrlSetBkColor(-1, 0x000000) $Launch = GUICtrlCreateButton("Launch", 496, 416, 49, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Launch") $Kill = GUICtrlCreateButton("Kill", 560, 416, 49, 25) GUICtrlSetOnEvent(-1,"Kill") GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 Sleep(1000) WEnd Exit Func Quit() Exit EndFunc Func Browse() Local $temp = FileOpenDialog("Choose Exe or script",@ScriptDir,"Exec(*.exe;*.au3)") if Not(@error) then GuiCtrlSetData($Process,$temp) EndFunc Func Launch() Local $file =GuiCtrlRead($Process) if FileExists($file) Then if Not(StringInStr(FileGetAttrib($file),"D")) Then DetailsOut($file,1) GuiCtrlSetState($Kill,$GUI_ENABLE) $pid = Run('"'&$file&'"',@ScriptDir, @SW_HIDE, $STDERR_CHILD + $STDOUT_CHILD) DetailsOut("PID ="&$pid,1) Local $line GUICtrlSetState($Output,$GUI_ENABLE) While 1 $line = StdoutRead ($pid) If @error Then ExitLoop DetailsOut($line) WEnd While 1 $line = StderrRead ($pid) If @error Then ExitLoop DetailsOut($line) WEnd DetailsOut("Done.") ProcessClose($pid) EndIf EndIf GuiCtrlSetState($Kill,$GUI_DISABLE) EndFunc Func Kill() if $pid then ProcessClose($pid) EndFunc Func DetailsOut($msg,$crlf =0,$append=1) if $crlf Then $msg = $msg&@CRLF GUICtrlSetData($Output, $msg,$append ) EndFunc ;==>DetailsOut$STDERR_CHILD , $STDOUT_CHILD are not added to the processed script. Also Constants.au3 doesn't show in the Listview either. One last item; The _CloseHandle() func is missing from script in the download.Looking forward to an update.eltorro. Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
kjactive Posted January 8, 2007 Author Posted January 8, 2007 (edited) Thanks for you effort eltorro - I'll look into it later today kjactive Edited January 23, 2007 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted January 8, 2007 Author Posted January 8, 2007 (edited) Well I found the trouble about Au3PreProcess not being able to include the contants.au3 as eltorro reported - simple actually as the scan process exclude dubblet calls and in that process it had already included GuiConstants.au3 and when it made a search for Constants.au3 it was already included well now hopefully fixed...another thing reported was that special line broken constants in IE.au3 was falty as only the first part was included, fixed as these constantsnow get rewired into one line before included...One thing more that I discovered was that some special constants that had a ';' inside was treated as a trailing comment and failed - fixed...the report from eltorro showed me that FileOpenDialog("Choose Exe or script",@ScriptDir,"Exec(*.exe;*.au3)") was also falty as treated as a comment in the suffix - fixed...eltorro - I do not get what you mean about The _CloseHandle() func is missing from script in the download is it my script that miss the function or what - could you please explane this a little closer...Keep up reporting as I would like to finish the 'makefile functions to do a fast PreProcess' and the 'pass PreProcessed script to the compile process' as it's a very complexed script involving a lot of actions and I do want to remove as many bugs as posible to keep things as simple as posible before moving on...Included in archive is PreProcessed script, Au3PreProcess as execute, a readme text and nessesary graphics...Download application from site: http://www.sitecenter.dk/latenight/nss-fol...t%20Manager.zipkjactive Edited February 14, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
Zedna Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 (edited) Can you give an example of how much that is ? (just curious ) For example: Size of output UPX'ed EXE of my latest version of Log_View: 271KB --> 226 KB (CleanScript)EDIT: Uncompressed EXE size: 487 KB --> 442 KBNote: EXE contains my own 15KB uncompressed icons as resources Edited January 8, 2007 by Zedna Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
kjactive Posted January 9, 2007 Author Posted January 9, 2007 (edited) This topics is about my rewired Au3PreProcess application and I think that the Cleanscript stuff is mallplaced in this topics - could be in another topics please as this topics is not ment as a competition and a sepparate would serve both programs just as well... kjactive Edited January 9, 2007 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
eltorro Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Yes, it *was* missing in the version of the script I download. It is used in _MemFree. It is a non-issue now with your latest release.eltorro. Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
kjactive Posted January 10, 2007 Author Posted January 10, 2007 (edited) Well the _CloseHandle function in memory.au3 was still missing as Au3PreProcess was only doing a deep scan on Functions that was attached to a variable - no more, the deep scan on related functions is rewired and seems okay now...Au3PreProcess can now handle the special broken constants in IE.au3...Please report bugs and make comments...Download latest revision from site http://www.sitecenter.dk/latenight/nss-fol...t%20Manager.zipkjactive Edited February 14, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
eltorro Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 (edited) Awesome Job! Would it be possible to add 2 options? -- remove *all* comments. -- Preserve formatting (Indentation). Probably shell to tidy. I don't know if this is a bug or by design, but Au3Preprocess skip files that are not in the "include" dirs but are included in the main script. Also it removes the #include statement making the script not compile. See below: Save both files in the same dir then run au3Preprocess. ;testfile.au3 #include <GuiConstants.au3> #Include "someotherfile.au3" ; contains the variable const $Caption. $Form1 = GUICreate("MyForm") $label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($Caption,8,8) GUISetState() $timer=TimerInit() Do If TimerDiff($timer) >10000 Then ExitLoop Sleep(10) Until(GuiGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE) ExitoÝ÷ Ù«¢+Øíͽµ½Ñ¡É¥±¹ÔÌ(%¹±Õµ½¹)±½° ½¹ÍÐÀÌØí ÁÑ¥½¸ôÅÕ½Ðí!±±¼ÔÌAɽɵµÈÅÕ½Ðì(oÝ÷ Ù§)à¶èº@»sëzèqë,¢¶®¶sc²ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓУ²S5&W&ö6W72ã&W&ö6W76VBÒFFR££#rFÖRC£C£²ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓФvÆö&Â6öç7Bb33c´uTôUdTåEô4Äõ4RÒÓ0¢b33c´f÷&ÓÒuT7&VFRgV÷C´×f÷&ÒgV÷C²¢b33c¶Æ&VÃÒuT7G&Ä7&VFTÆ&VÂb33c´6FöâÃäuT6WE7FFR¢b33c·FÖW#ÕFÖW$æB¤Fð¤bFÖW$Ffbb33c·FÖW"fwC³FVâWDÆö÷¥6ÆVW¥VçFÂwVvWD×6rÒb33c´uTôUdTåEô4Äõ4R¤W@£²ÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓУ²&W&ö6W76VBæ6ÇVFVBgVæ7Föç2ââࣲÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÓÐ Hope this helps. Edited January 10, 2007 by eltorro Regards, [indent]ElTorro[/indent][font="Book"] Decide, Commit, Achieve[/font]_ConfigIO.au3Language Translation --uses Google(tm) MsgBox Move XML wrapper UDF XML2TreeView Zip functionality Split your GUI Save Print ScreenZipPluginEdit In Place listviewSome of my scripts on Google code
kjactive Posted January 11, 2007 Author Posted January 11, 2007 (edited) Thanks for suggestens eltorro-- remove *all* comments.Au3PreProcess do remove all comments just related to two parametre 'Remove block / trailing comments' and the reason for this is the typeless autoit3 design, It would not come that handy as some buildin functions like fileopenrequest use the comments character as a sepparator, the same does some special structure related globals...-- Preserve formatting (Indentation). Probably shell to tidy.Could you explane this idear a little forther please - an example maybe...skip files that are not in the "include" dirsYes that's true - I didn't thought that this was nessesary but the search could easy be included and I'll do that in next update...Thanks eltorry for your effort and nice examples...kjactive Edited January 11, 2007 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted January 11, 2007 Author Posted January 11, 2007 (edited) Well I changed the directory scan for included includes like eltorro suggested - if the include directory scan fails then search local path and I included a messagebox failure if the scan for included UDF's fail compleatly...download latest revision from site: http://www.sitecenter.dk/latenight/nss-fol...t%20Manager.zipkjactive Edited February 14, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
kjactive Posted January 12, 2007 Author Posted January 12, 2007 (edited) Yes I can see, but what did the attached functions & variable lists said - was the Global variable attached or not, this is displayed in this window lists BUT I just discovered that I had removed a function that could ruin the scan process, could misstreat on variables and put some special variables into functions 'is this a variable or function' check function - this is reattached, please download and try again...Download from site: http://www.sitecenter.dk/latenight/nss-fol...t%20Manager.zipWell it could also be that the contant in the UDF is sampled with BitOr - like Global Const $GUI_SS_DEFAULT_COMBO = BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL, $WS_VSCROLL)I'll check into that one later todaykjactive Edited February 14, 2009 by kjactive Au3PP 4.1 - Autoit3 preprocessor, optimize speed, performance to scripts and do executes....[/url]Au3Calibur - Create libraries of commonly used code excerptsWords manipulate UDF, functions that is lent from the rexx language, topics and index file includedCustomDialog UDF to include custom made dialogs like a extended colorpick requester to scripts...[url="ftp://fritidshjemmet.com/Autoit3/SysColor.zip"]SysColor UDF a low level color library to manipulate RGB and Hex values...Shell32 UDF to Automate Windows® operating tasks from native dialog and Wizards browsers... Optimized the CodeWicard with options to generate browser code etc...
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