junkew Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 Over time I made a small spy on the objects that are not default in AU3Info spied on As in new release ticket #140 wish was added to AU3Info and I missed still some things I decided to share at least below code that easily spies on treeview, commandbars, toolbars etc. a level deeper then AU3Info does that normally takes me a lot of time to find out by hand. Additions please share them and maybe later adds a ticket for wishes of AU3Info usage: run the script, hover the mouse over the toolbar, commandbar you want information on, press the hotkey alt+shift+a Somehow I don't get the text of the toolbarwindow32 whereas AU3Info does this properly on ToolsBar tab (latest version has this tab) but seems to have a bug (reported in tracker) as only instance 1 information is retrieved. expandcollapse popup#include <GUIConstants.au3> #include <GUIToolbar.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <SliderConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <Winapi.au3> #Include <GuiTreeView.au3> #include <GuiConstantsEx.au3> #include <GuiTab.au3> ;Some windowspy on objects not spyed on by AU3Info ;Shows information for following objects ;"Toolbar" / "ToolbarWindow32 #Not able to get text? ;"SysTabControl32" ;"SysTreeView32" ;"MsoCommandBar" HotKeySet("+!a", "getInfo") ;Shift-Alt-a HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate") While 1 Sleep(100) WEnd Func Terminate() Exit 0 EndFunc func getInfo() $aMPos = MouseGetPos() $sWinInfo = _WinInfoFromPoint($aMPos[0], $aMPos[1]) consolewrite($sWinInfo) EndFunc ;Gets window/control info from cursor pos, returns formatted string Func _WinInfoFromPoint($nX, $nY) Local $tStrBuff, $pStrBuff, $aRet, $hWnd, $hOwnerWnd, $sClassName, $sOwnerClass, $sWinText local $tbCount, $tbText, $i, $aRect[4], $mPos[2], $wPos[4] local $iCount $tStrBuff = DllStructCreate("char[100]") $pStrBuff = DllStructGetPtr($tStrBuff) $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "WindowFromPoint", "uint", $nX, "uint", $nY) $hWnd = $aRet[0] $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetClassName", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", $pStrBuff, "int", 100) $sClassName = DllStructGetData($tStrBuff, 1) DllStructSetData($tStrBuff, 1, "") DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetWindowText", "hwnd", $hWnd, "ptr", $pStrBuff, "int", 100) ;~ DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "SendMessage", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", $WM_GETTEXT, "uint", 100, "ptr", $pStrBuff) $sWinText = DllStructGetData($tStrBuff, 1) DllStructSetData($tStrBuff, 1, "") $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "hwnd", "GetAncestor", "hwnd", $hWnd, "uint", 2) ;$GA_ROOT = 2 $hOwnerWnd = $aRet[0] $aRet = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetClassName", "hwnd", $hOwnerWnd, "ptr", $pStrBuff, "int", 100) $sOwnerClass = DllStructGetData($tStrBuff, 1) DllStructSetData($tStrBuff, 1, "") ;If we are over a toolbar if (stringinstr($sClassname,"Toolbar") > 0) Then $iCount = _GUICtrlToolbar_ButtonCount($hWnd) for $i=0 to $icount -1 ;Determine rectangle and check matching area $aRect = _GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonRect ($hWnd, _GUICtrlToolbar_IndexToCommand($hWnd, $i)) $mPos=mousegetpos() $wPos=wingetpos($hWnd) if (($mPos[0] - $wPos[0]) > $arect[0] ) and (($mPos[0] - $wPos[0]) < $arect[2] ) _ And (($mPos[1] - $wPos[1]) > $arect[1] ) and (($mPos[1] - $wPos[1]) < $arect[3] ) Then $tbText = "[Index: " & $i & _ " CommandID: " & _GUICtrlToolbar_IndexToCommand($hWnd, $i) & _ " text: " & _GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonText($hWnd, $i) & _ _GUICtrlToolbar_GetString($hWnd,$i) & " ]" ;~ GUICtrlSetData($mainLabel,$tbText) ;~ consolewrite($tbText) endif next endIf if (stringinstr($sClassname,"SysTabControl32") > 0) Then $iCount=_GUICtrlTab_GetItemCount($hWnd) ;~ GUICtrlSetData($mainLabel,$iCount) ;~ consolewrite($iCount) for $i=0 to $icount -1 ;Determine rectangle and check matching area $aRect = _GUICtrlTab_GetItemRect ($hWnd, $i) $mPos=mousegetpos() $wPos=wingetpos($hWnd) if (($mPos[0] - $wPos[0]) > $arect[0] ) and (($mPos[0] - $wPos[0]) < $arect[2] ) _ And (($mPos[1] - $wPos[1]) > $arect[1] ) and (($mPos[1] - $wPos[1]) < $arect[3] ) Then $tbText = "[Index: " & $i & _ " text: " & _GUICtrlTab_GetItemText($hWnd, $i) & " ]" ;~ GUICtrlSetData($mainLabel,$tbText) ;~ consolewrite($tbText) endif next EndIf if (stringinstr($sClassname,"SysTreeView32") > 0) Then $iCount=_GUICtrlTreeView_GetCount($hWnd) ;~ GUICtrlSetData($mainLabel,$iCount) ;~ consolewrite($iCount) ;for $i=0 to $icount -1 $wPos=wingetpos($hWnd) $mPos=mousegetpos() $tvItem=_GUICtrlTreeView_HitTestItem($hWnd, ($mPos[0] - $wPos[0]), ($mPos[1] - $wPos[1])) $tbText = $mpos[0] & ";" & $mpos[1] & ";" & $wpos[0] & ";" & $wpos[1] & ";" & $wpos[2] & ";" & $wpos[3] $tbText = _GUICtrlTreeView_GetText($hWnd, $tvItem) ; if (($mPos[0] - $wPos[0]) > $arect[0] ) and (($mPos[0] - $wPos[0]) < $arect[2] ) _ ; And (($mPos[1] - $wPos[1]) > $arect[1] ) and (($mPos[1] - $wPos[1]) < $arect[3] ) Then ; $tbText = "[Index: " & $i & _ ; " text: " & _GUICtrlTab_GetItemText($hWnd, $i) & " ]" ;~ GUICtrlSetData($mainLabel,$tbText) ;~ consolewrite($tbText) ; endif ; next EndIf if (stringinstr($sClassname,"MsoCommandBar") > 0) Then $wPos=wingetpos($hWnd) $mPos=mousegetpos() $tbText = $wpos[0] & ";" & $wpos[1] & ";" & $wpos[2] & ";" & $wpos[3] $msoAppObjClass = "[CLASS:" & $sOwnerClass & "]" $msoAppObjName="" if $sOwnerClass="OpusApp" then $msoAppObjName="word.application" if $sOwnerClass="XLMAIN" then $msoAppObjName="Excel.application" if $sOwnerClass="OMain" then $msoAppObjName="Access.application" if $sOwnerClass="FrontPageExplorerWindow40" then $msoAppObjName="frontpage.application" if $sOwnerClass="rctrl_renwnd32" then $msoAppObjName="Outlook.application" if stringinstr($sOwnerClass,"FrameClass")>0 then $msoAppObjName="PowerPoint.application" ;~ ;Get the MSOffice application (assumes its running only 1 instance) $msoApp=objGet("",$msoAppObjName) if @error then Msgbox (0,"Test","Error Getting an active MS Object. Error code: " & hex(@error,8)) exit endif $myBar = getMSOBar($msoApp, $sWinText) if $myBar <> -1 Then $iCount=$mybar.controls.count ;~ consolewrite("Mouse at:" & $mpos[0] & ";" & $mpos[1] & @crlf) for $j=1 to $myBar.controls.count if ($mpos[0]>$mybar.controls($j).left) and ($mpos[0] < ($mybar.controls($j).left +$mybar.controls($j).width)) and _ ($mpos[1]>$mybar.controls($j).top) and ($mpos[1] < ($mybar.controls($j).top +$mybar.controls($j).height)) Then consolewrite("match button " & $j & " at " & $mybar.controls($j).left & ":" ) consolewrite($mybar.controls($j).top & " " & $mybar.controls($j).tooltiptext & @crlf) ;~ consolewrite(" width:" & $mybar.controls($j).width) ;~ consolewrite(" height:" & $mybar.controls($j).height) ;~ consolewrite(" ") ;~ consolewrite(" caption:" & $mybar.controls($j).caption) ;~ consolewrite(" enabled:" & $mybar.controls($j).enabled) ;~ consolewrite(" id:" & $mybar.controls($j).id) ;~ consolewrite(" caption:" & $mybar.controls($j).caption) ;~ consolewrite(" left:" & $mybar.controls($j).left) ;~ consolewrite(" top5:" & $mybar.controls($j).top) ;~ consolewrite(" width:" & $mybar.controls($j).width) ;~ consolewrite(" height:" & $mybar.controls($j).height) ;~ consolewrite(" tooltiptext:" & $mybar.controls($j).tooltiptext) ;~ consolewrite(" visible:" & $mybar.controls($j).visible) ;~ consolewrite(" descriptiontext:" & $mybar.controls($j).descriptiontext & @crlf) endif ;~ ;~ ;Some fun with the mouse ;~ if $mybar.controls($j).visible = -1 then ;~ $left=$mybar.controls($j).left + ($mybar.controls($j).width/2) ;~ $top =$mybar.controls($j).top + ($mybar.controls($j).height/2) ;~ mousemove(int($left),int($top),5) ;~ endIf next EndIf EndIf Return $sWinText & @CRLF & "[ Class: " & $sClassName & "; hWnd: " & $hWnd & " " & @CRLF & $tbText & "]" & @CRLF & _ "( Owner: " & $sOwnerClass & "; " & $hOwnerWnd & " )" & @CRLF & " having " & $iCount & " items" & @crlf EndFunc ;The actual function for the MsoCommandBar ;$msoApp = Object reference ;$msoClass = The window class to search control in ;$ctrlName = The name (localized) of the bar func getMSOBar($msoApp, $ctrlName) for $j=1 to $msoApp.commandbars.count-1 if $msoApp.commandbars($j).namelocal=$ctrlName then ;~ consolewrite($msoApp.commandbars($j).namelocal & " Match: " & $j & @crlf ) Return $msoApp.commandbars($j) endif next return -1 endfunc FAQ 31 How to click some elements, FAQ 40 Test automation with AutoIt, Multithreading CLR .NET Powershell CMDLets
autoit4224 Posted April 21, 2010 Posted April 21, 2010 Hey, I found the same issue where the _GUICtrlToolbar_GetButtonText was returning '' as in empty string, but not every time. So I went in the GuiToolbar.au3 and commented out this line flagged below in the code. Seems like this was excluding text that is one character is length, or that's my guess anyway. The code seems to work for me now. Maybe there should be a ticket created? I'm not too well versed in that. If $fUnicode Then $iBuffer = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TB_GETBUTTONTEXTW, $iCommandID) Else $iBuffer = _SendMessage($hWnd, $TB_GETBUTTONTEXTA, $iCommandID) EndIf If $iBuffer = 0 Then Return SetError(True, 0, "") ;----> If $iBuffer = 1 Then Return SetError(False, 0, "") If $iBuffer <= -1 Then Return SetError(False, -1, "")
Zedna Posted April 22, 2010 Posted April 22, 2010 (edited) Code looks nice. It's usefull. It would be good to add retriving of ToolTips especially for Toolbar's buttons. _GUICtrlToolbar_GetToolTips() Edited April 22, 2010 by Zedna Resources UDF ResourcesEx UDF AutoIt Forum Search
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