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Hi All,

I created an icon with several formats in it

256x256 - PNG Compressed

48x48 RGB/a + 256 + 16

32x32 RGB/a + 256 + 16

16x16 RGB/a + 256 + 16

When i add this icon to the AutoIt executable the 256x256 PNG Compressed icons isn't used in Windows Vista and in Windows 7 which result in low quality icons when using ALT-Tab.. and low resolution icons used in the taskbar.

Is it not possible to use/add 256x256 PNG Compressed icons as default icon ? or am i doing something wrong.


Best regards,


Best regards,Emiel Wieldraaijer


Hi Zedna (The Great "Resource adding master" :) )

yes i already did ..

The problem is the following

I believe the specified icon is displayed as the following

0 x 0 (16.8mil colors) - Ordinal name: 7

When opening the group it will display "Out of systen resources"

Not every program supports PNG Compressed icons for more information see


Microsoft Visual Studio® 2008 supports PNG Compressed icons but Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual .NET 2003/2005 reject the icons.

Thanks for the reply


Best regards,Emiel Wieldraaijer


Hi Zedna (The Great "Resource adding master" :) )

Thanks for compliment :-)

When opening the group it will display "Out of systen resources"

Not every program supports PNG Compressed icons for more information see


Microsoft Visual Studio® 2008 supports PNG Compressed icons but Visual C++ 6.0 and Visual .NET 2003/2005 reject the icons.

"Out of systen resources" is error from reshacker?

I think you should check if rehacker.exe supports it firstly.

At first it's related more on reshacker than on Autoit.

In your script you don't load/use this icon?

Posted (edited)

What if you just create your multires icon using IcoFx and add it in the normal way through AutoIt3Wrapper/Scite? Does it work then?

Edited by wraithdu
Posted (edited)

When opening the group it will display "Out of systen resources"

Where it comes from?

Try to look at your final compiled EXE by reshacker.exe

Yes i use the icon as a GUIIcon and TrayIcon those two icons are displayed nicely.

So where exactly problem is?

Sorry for not understanding ;-)

Edited by Zedna


Same problem


The icon used in the GUI and Tray are displayed correctly because the 48x48 (or 32x32) icon is used for both of them and there are very small so they are perfect.

Let me try to explain, when the program is started and you press the ALT+Tab keys the program icons are displayed and my icon isn't very nice.

I investigated a bit more

When i add my icon with only 256x256 PNG Compressed format the icon is displayed perfect in Vista and Windows 7, but when i add all of the sizes to my icon file it isn't displayed good.. i want to add multiple sizes to the icon file to support Windows XP and Windows 2000.

It looks like 48x48 or 32x32 is the default icon


Best regards,Emiel Wieldraaijer

  • 3 weeks later...


The problem is the 256x256 PNG Compressed Image..

It isn't used as the master GUI icon

Convert (by Axialis IconWorkshop) your PNG compressed icon to normal 256x256 RGB/a icon and everything will work fine. Icons with PNG compressed are not supported at the system level (WinAPI).



I know but this will increase the Icon file with approx.. 300kb



The Problem i have is caused by the following

GUISetIcon(@Scriptname) sets the default icon of the EXE to 48x48 instead of dynamicly assing the right file to the EXE

I don't know if it's a bug or just me being stupid again

Best regards,


Best regards,Emiel Wieldraaijer



The Problem i have is caused by the following

GUISetIcon(@Scriptname) sets the default icon of the EXE to 48x48 instead of dynamicly assing the right file to the EXE

I don't know if it's a bug or just me being stupid again

If you are sure then make simple reproducing script and add your icons to it

and create new bug ticket here or on the BugTrac.

Posted (edited)


Will place it here so others can first check before i report it

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

GUICreate("Icon Bug", 315, 260)
; GuiSetIcon (@Scriptname) produces the Icon Bug with ALT-TAB / System Tray
; Wrong icon is displayed on Vista/Windows 7 i Believe 48x48 instead of a better one
; Remove the GuiSetIcon and the icon is displayed correct
GuiCtrlCreateLabel("Hello World", 10, 10, 200, 20)

While 1
    $msg = GUIGetMsg()
    If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Then exit

Look at the icons used for displaying the program when pressing ALT-TAB.

The globe is much better when no GuiSetIcon(@ScriptName) is used.

I know it isn't necessary to use it.. but i still believe it's a bug

Can someone acknowledge this ? Before i report it as a bug..

Best regards and Thanks,



Edited by Emiel Wieldraaijer

Best regards,Emiel Wieldraaijer

  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators

On my windows 7 and vista systems it's 32x32 icons that are used in ALT-TAB. The only place I can see that uses 256x256 and 48x48 is in the large thumbnail view in explorer. The problem is that our gui icon code only works with the small "16x16" icons so the alt-tab image is getting an expanded version of that which looks crappy. We need to adds lots of stuff to load multiple icons for different places. At the very least we need 16x16 and 32x32

I've changed the bug to a feature request because it needs a complete overhaul of the set icon code to work.

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