jaberwacky Posted October 21, 2009 Posted October 21, 2009 (edited) Update: I just saw the post that JamesBrooks made. I forgot all about that. I will work on that. WOO HOO! I got it! Notepad++ now recognizes multiple calltips for functions such as AutoItSetOption! As much as I enjoy using Scite, I do like the functionality provided by Notepad++. The previous is no longer true because SciTE is my first go-to for any text editing. Unfortunately, np++ does not provide calltips for AutoIt. So I hacked together a script to turn AU3.api into autoit.xml. Update: [09-04-2013] -- Calltips are now split every one hundred characters or to the nearest space. This makes for a much cleaner calltip that remains on screen. Update: [12-29-2013] -- Some parameters were not recognized. Long standing bug caught and reported by Guinness. Thanks! To use this: 1. download Notepad++ (check) 2. download AutoItV3 with Scite (check) 3. download this script to any directory (to-do) 4. run the script (to-do) 5. enjoy np++! (ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggoooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllL!!!!!!) expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_AU3Check=y #AutoIt3Wrapper_AU3Check_Parameters=-w 1 -w 2 -w 3 -w 4 -w 5 -w 6 -w 7 -d #include <Misc.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <Constants.au3> _Singleton(@ScriptName) main() #region ; UserCallTips Generator Func main() Local $au3_api = AU3APItoArray(@ProgramFilesDir & "\AutoIt3\SciTE\api\au3.api") Switch @error Case False Write("'au3.api' exists and is within its proper directory.") Case True Return SetError(1, 0, False) EndSwitch $au3_api = DeleteNonFunctions($au3_api) $au3_api = ReplaceXMLKeyWords($au3_api) Local Const $func_names = GetFunctionNames($au3_api) Local Const $func_params = GetFunctionParams($au3_api) Local Const $func_descrs = GetFunctionDescr($au3_api) Local Const $FileOutPath = @ProgramFilesDir & "\Notepad++\plugins\APIs\autoit.xml" ; Change this to suit your needs. Local Const $file_write = FileOpen($FileOutPath, ($FO_OVERWRITE + $FO_CREATEPATH)) Switch $file_write Case -1 Write("There was an error opening: " & @CRLF & $FileOutPath) Return SetError(2, 0, False) Case Else Write($FileOutPath & ": was opened successfully." & @CRLF) FileWrite($file_write, OutputXMLDocument($func_names, $func_params, $func_descrs)) FileClose($file_write) EndSwitch Return True EndFunc Func AU3APItoArray(Const $path) Local $FileInPath = $path Switch FileExists($FileInPath) Case 0 Switch MsgBox($MB_YESNO, "Alert:", "'au3.api' does not seem to be within its default directory." & @LF & "Would you like to specify the current 'au3.api' directory?") Case $IDYES Local Const $result = FileOpenDialog("Browse to 'au3.api'", @DesktopDir, "API (*.api;)", 1 + 2) Switch $result Case '' Return SetError(1, 0, False) Case Else $FileInPath = $result EndSwitch Case $IDNO Return SetError(2, 0, False) EndSwitch EndSwitch Return FileReadToArray($FileInPath) EndFunc Func DeleteNonFunctions(Const $au3_api) Local $au3 = $au3_api Local Const $upBound = UBound($au3) - 1 For $i = $upBound To 0 Step -1 If Not StringInStr($au3[$i], '(') Then _ArrayDelete($AU3, $i) EndIf Next Return $au3 EndFunc Func ReplaceXMLKeyWords(Const $au3_api) ; Replace reserved XML keywords with character entity references Local Const $find[] = [Chr(39) , Chr(34) , "<a id=" , "</a>" , '>' , '<' , '>' ] Local Const $replace[] = ["'" , """ , '' , ' ' , '' , "<" , ">"] Local Const $keyword_count = UBound($find) - 1 Local Const $upBound = UBound($au3_api) - 1 Local $au3 = $au3_api For $i = 0 To $upBound For $j = 0 To $keyword_count $au3[$i] = StringRegExpReplace($au3[$i], '<a href="\w+.htm">', '') $au3[$i] = StringReplace($au3[$i], $find[$j], $replace[$j], 0, $STR_NOCASESENSEBASIC) Next Next Return $au3 EndFunc Func GetFunctionNames(Const $au3_api) Local Const $upBound = UBound($au3_api) - 1 Local $names[$upBound + 1] For $i = 0 To $upBound ; extract the name of the function ; EX: "Abs ( expression ) Calculates the absolute value of a number." $names[$i] = StringTrimRight($au3_api[$i], StringLen($au3_api[$i]) - ((StringInStr($au3_api[$i], ' ') - 1))) ; ==> "Abs" Next Return $names EndFunc Func GetFunctionParams(Const $au3_api) Local Const $upBound = UBound($au3_api) - 1 Local $params[$upBound + 1] Local $lhs For $i = 0 To $upBound ; extract the function parameters ; EX: "Abs ( expression ) Calculates the absolute value of a number." $lhs = StringTrimRight($au3_api[$i], StringLen($au3_api[$i]) - StringInStr($au3_api[$i], ')') + 1) $params[$i] = StringTrimLeft($lhs, StringInStr($lhs, '(') + 1) ;ConsoleWrite('$params[$i] = ' & $params[$i] & @CRLF) ; ==> "expression" Next Return $params EndFunc Func GetFunctionDescr(Const $au3_api) Local Const $upBound = UBound($au3_api) - 1 Local $descr[$upBound + 1] For $i = 0 To $upBound ; extract the function description ; EX: "Abs ( expression ) Calculates the absolute value of a number." $descr[$i] = StringTrimLeft($au3_api[$i],(StringInStr($au3_api[$i], ')') + 1)) ; ==> "Calculates the absolute value of a number." Next Return $descr EndFunc Func OutputXMLDocument(Const $name, Const $param, Const $descr) Local Const $upBound = UBound($name) - 1 Local $description = '' Local $last_name = '' Local $parameters[] = [''] ; header Local $xml_document = AddTab(0, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='Windows-1252' ?>") $xml_document &= AddTab(0, "<NotepadPlus>") $xml_document &= AddTab(1, "<AutoComplete language='AutoIt'>") $xml_document &= AddTab(2, "<Environment ignoreCase='yes' startFunc='(' stopFunc=')' paramSeparator=',' terminal='' />") ; body For $i = 0 To $upBound If $name[$i] = '' Then ContinueLoop If $name[$i] <> $last_name Then $last_name = $name[$i] $xml_document &= AddTab(2, "<KeyWord name='" & $name[$i] & "' func='yes' >") EndIf $description = InsertLineBreaks($descr[$i]) ; load the function parameters individually into an array Switch StringInStr($param[$i], ',') >= 1 Case True $parameters = StringSplit($param[$i], ',', $STR_NOCOUNT) Case False Redim $parameters[1] $parameters[0] = $param[$i] EndSwitch Switch UBound($parameters) > 1 Case True $xml_document &= AddTab(3, "<Overload retVal='' descr='" & $description & "' >") For $parameter in $parameters $xml_document &= AddTab(4, "<Param name='" & StringStripWS(StringReplace($parameter, ',', ''), ($STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING)) & "' />") Next $xml_document &= AddTab(3, "</Overload>") Case False Switch StringStripWS($parameters[0], $STR_STRIPALL) = '' Case True $xml_document &= AddTab(3, "<Overload retVal='' descr='" & $description & "' />") Case False $xml_document &= AddTab(3, "<Overload retVal='' descr='" & $description & "' >") $xml_document &= AddTab(4, "<Param name='" & StringStripWS(StringReplace($parameters[0], ',', ''), ($STR_STRIPLEADING + $STR_STRIPTRAILING)) & "' />") $xml_document &= AddTab(3, "</Overload>") EndSwitch EndSwitch If $i + 1 > $upBound Then ExitLoop If $name[$i + 1] <> $last_name Then $xml_document &= AddTab(2, "</KeyWord>") EndIf Next $xml_document &= AddTab(2, "</KeyWord>") ; footer $xml_document &= AddTab(1, "</AutoComplete>") $xml_document &= AddTab(0, "</NotepadPlus>") Return $xml_document EndFunc Func InsertLineBreaks($description) $description = StringStripWS($description, $STR_STRIPSPACES) Local Const $descr_length = StringLen($description) Local Const $break_point = 100 ; this is approx. how many chars wide a calltip window would be. Switch $descr_length >= ($break_point + 20) Case True Local Const $newline = "
" Local $linebreak = $break_point Local $line = '' Local $token = '' Local $token2 = '' For $i = 1 To $descr_length $token = StringMid($description, $i, 1) Switch $i Case $linebreak Switch $token Case ' ' ; If the 100th char is a space then just insert a line break. $line &= $newline & $token ; If the 100th char falls on a non-space then walk ; over to the next closest space and insert a line break there. Case Else $line &= $token For $j = ($i + 1) To $descr_length $i = $j $token2 = StringMid($description, $j, 1) Switch $token2 Case ' ' $line &= $newline $linebreak += $break_point ExitLoop Case Else $line &= $token2 EndSwitch Next EndSwitch Case Else $line &= $token EndSwitch Next Return $line Case Else Return $description EndSwitch EndFunc Func AddTab(Const $tabs, Const $data) Local $tabString = '' For $i = 1 To $tabs $tabString &= @TAB Next Return $tabString & $data & @CRLF EndFunc Func Write(Const $message) Switch @Compiled Case True MsgBox($MB_OK, "Notepad++ With AutoIt User Calltips", $message) Case False ConsoleWrite($message & @CRLF) EndSwitch Return True EndFunc Func __FileReadToArray(Const $sFilePath) #cs #FUNCTION# ==================================================================================================================== Name...........: _FileReadToArray Description ...: Reads the specified file into an array. Syntax.........: _FileReadToArray($sFilePath) Parameters ....: $sFilePath - Path and filename of the file to be read. Return values .: Success - Returns an array. Failure - Returns False. @Error - 0 = No error. |1 = Error opening specified file |2 = Unable to split the file Author ........: Jonathan Bennett <jon at hiddensoft dot com>, Valik - Support Windows Unix and Mac line separator Modified.......: Jpm - fixed empty line at the end, Gary Fixed file contains only 1 line. Jaber - Modified to return an array rather than modify an array ByRef. Remarks .......: $aArray[0] will contain the number of records read into the array. Related .......: _FileWriteFromArray Link ..........: Example .......: Yes. =============================================================================================================================== #ce Local Const $file_read = FileOpen($sFilePath, $FO_READ) Switch $file_read Case -1 Return SetError(1, 0, False) ; unable to open the file Case Else ; Read the file and remove any trailing white spaces Local $aFile = FileRead($file_read) FileClose($file_read) ; remove last line separator if any at the end of the file Switch StringRight($aFile, 1) Case @LF, @CR $aFile = StringTrimRight($aFile, 1) EndSwitch Select Case StringInStr($aFile, @LF) Return StringSplit(StringStripCR($aFile), @LF) Case StringInStr($aFile, @CR) ; @LF does not exist so split on the @CR Return StringSplit($aFile, @CR) Case Else ; unable to split the file Switch StringLen($aFile) Case True Local Const $new_array[2] = [1, $aFile] Return $new_array Case False Return SetError(2, 0, False) EndSwitch EndSelect EndSwitch Return True EndFunc #endregion Here is the more than 25,500 line autoit.xml that it generates: REDACTED This and future versions of AutoIt will have this included. Downloads: 177 Edited January 3, 2014 by jaberwocky6669 Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
toxicdav3 Posted October 30, 2009 Posted October 30, 2009 Thanks so much, just what I needed Layered Networks - Hosting Solutions
Kaster Posted November 6, 2009 Posted November 6, 2009 (edited) Wow, man. It's awesome. I've just wanted do the same, and just as you couldn't imagine why native np++ haven't got it itself. Thanks. Edited November 6, 2009 by Kaster Signature
Dolemite50 Posted November 29, 2009 Posted November 29, 2009 Nicely done! I use an "Open WIth NP++" command all the time so it's handy to have a few extra gizmos like this. Did you get Au3 cTags working? btw, you don't happen to know how to choose which toolbar commands are available do you? I can change the icons, not the commands. Thanks mang, this worked great!
James Posted January 29, 2010 Posted January 29, 2010 (edited) Shame the colours aren't the same as SciTE.Edit: Also, there is over 20 AutoItSetOption auto complete functions. This is still buggy but a good start! Edited January 29, 2010 by JamesBrooks Blog - Seriously epic web hosting - Twitter - GitHub - Cachet HQ
jaberwacky Posted January 29, 2010 Author Posted January 29, 2010 Shame the colours aren't the same as SciTE.Edit: Also, there is over 20 AutoItSetOption auto complete functions. This is still buggy but a good start!The autoitsetoption autocomplete works the same in NP++ as it does in Scite at least it does for me on my end. Maybe my Scite install is corrupt? Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
James Posted January 30, 2010 Posted January 30, 2010 The autoitsetoption autocomplete works the same in NP++ as it does in Scite at least it does for me on my end. Maybe my Scite install is corrupt?No it doesn't.Your script writes the XML data for every single AutoItSetOption functions. Blog - Seriously epic web hosting - Twitter - GitHub - Cachet HQ
jaberwacky Posted January 30, 2010 Author Posted January 30, 2010 No it doesn't.Your script writes the XML data for every single AutoItSetOption functions.ookk, I never noticed the up and down arrows in the SciTE tooltip! Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
Fantastic Posted April 30, 2010 Posted April 30, 2010 I get an error from the posted code.(169,49) : ERROR: syntax error (illegal character) Local $replace[8] = ["&", """, " < ", " > ", " ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^Change this :Local $replace[8] = ["&", """, " < ", " > ", " '", " [,", "&#A;", "&#D;"] ; and replace them with theseto this ( ["&", ' " ', " < ", " > ", " '", " [,", "&#A;", "&#D;"]) : Local $replace[8] = ["&", '"', " < ", " > ", " '", " [,", "&#A;", "&#D;"] ; and replace them with theseDo the calltips work ? I can't get it working. [u]My current project:[/u] [size="1"]A bootable USB[/size]Webpage:*http://mylittlesoft.blogspot.com/
jaberwacky Posted April 30, 2010 Author Posted April 30, 2010 Do the calltips work ? I can't get it working.Just download the exe, sorry... Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
AZJIO Posted June 30, 2010 Posted June 30, 2010 (edited) Notepad (in_root_AutoIt3).7z - autoit.xml, batch.xml, themes, shortcuts.xml, etc. $this.FileInPath = FileOpenDialog("Browse to 'autoit.api'", @DesktopDir, "EXE (*.exe;)", 1 + 2) change $this.FileInPath = FileOpenDialog("Browse to 'autoit.api'", @WorkingDir & "", "autoit.api, au3.api (*.api)", 1 + 2) If @error Then Exit Just download the exe, sorry...exe and au3 = error $replace[$j] = error, if _FileReadToArray('C:\AutoIt3\SciTE\api\au3.api', $au3) ; test ;Local Const $replace[uBound($find)] = ["&", """, "<", ">", " [,", "'"] ; and replace them with these Edited October 28, 2010 by AZJIO My other projects or all
jaberwacky Posted June 30, 2010 Author Posted June 30, 2010 (edited) WHY DO I OVERLOOK THE DUMBEST, SMALLEST BUGS?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Edited June 30, 2010 by jaberwocky6669 Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
Raik Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 archive-Notepad++.7z (56кб) - autoit.xml, batch.xml, themes, shortcuts.xmllink dead.who can upload this again? AutoIt-Syntaxsheme for Proton & Phase5 * Firefox Addons by me (resizable Textarea 0.1d) (docked JS-Console 0.1.1)
jaberwacky Posted October 28, 2010 Author Posted October 28, 2010 (edited) Alternatively you could just copy my source into an au3 file and then run it. You would need to grab AutoItObject also. Edited October 28, 2010 by jaberwocky6669 Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
AZJIO Posted October 28, 2010 Posted October 28, 2010 (edited) RaikNotepad (in_root_AutoIt3).7z - autoit.xml, batch.xml, themes, shortcuts.xml, etc (Update, 82kb) Edited October 28, 2010 by AZJIO My other projects or all
jaberwacky Posted October 29, 2010 Author Posted October 29, 2010 Not that it really matters but how does your zip relate to my script? Did you use my script to generate the autoit.xml? The autoit.xml that is included in your zip is different than the autoit.xml that my script generates. Helpful Posts and Websites: AutoIt3 Variables and Function Parameters MHz | AutoIt Wiki | Using the GUIToolTip UDF BrewManNH | Can't find what you're looking for on the Forum?
burnell Posted January 27, 2011 Posted January 27, 2011 (edited) RaikNotepad (in_root_AutoIt3).7z - autoit.xml, batch.xml, themes, shortcuts.xml, etc (Update, 82kb) in notepad++ missing also and won`t highligt for example:@osarch and some #AutoIt3Wrapper keys, are the changes in these files?package is down. can someone upload this again, please?So I would be glad about it! Thank you. Edited January 27, 2011 by burnell
AZJIO Posted January 28, 2011 Posted January 28, 2011 burnellNotepad++(in_root_AutoIt3).7z My other projects or all
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