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Hey guys,

I'm not confident enough to put this in the Scripts and Scraps section yet, because I feel that it can still use a lot of improvement. Does anyone have any suggestions of how I might accomplish the same functionality, but with more concise/less code?

The files in the ZIP are as follows:

1. GUI_Editor.au3

2. GUIScript.ini

3. Gen_Func.au3

4. Installations.au3

GUIScript.ini contains all the settings, menus, tabs, buttons, and functions. GUI_Editor.au3 is the graphical editor for GUIScript.ini. Gen_Func.au3 generates GUI_Functions.au3, which contains all the functions found in GUIScript.ini and is included in Installations.au3. Installations.au3 is the GUI containing all the menus, tabs, buttons, and functions found in GUIScript.ini.

Edit: Uploaded changed files. Original files, 17 downloads.


Edited by 2tim3_16

Also, any suggestions on how to compile something like this in such a way that I could use it on a computer that doesn't have AutoIt installed? :whistle:


Use FileInstall() function to include needed files, and then just compile the main script using Aut2Exe :whistle:


If you want to include script into script, then you can put this - #Include-Once in scripts that must be included, and in main script use #Include <scriptName.au3>.



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Use FileInstall() function to include needed files, and then just compile the main script using Aut2Exe :)

That got me thinking, and I made some changes. Previously, you had to run Gen_Func.au3 every time, because Installations.au3 was deleting GUI_Functions.au3 on exit. Now, I have Gen_Func.au3 just compile Installations.au3, using FileInstall to place the GUIScript.ini in the user's Temp folder. The INI is then deleted when you close Installtions.exe. GUI_Functions.au3 is only deleted when you run Gen_Func.au3 (or Gen_Func.exe).

I now have just one file, Installations.exe, which a user needs to run the GUI. The only time an AutoIt installation is necessary is when the user needs to change the Installations GUI.

Thanks, MsCreatoR! :whistle:

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