Displays a dialog box that prompts the user to restart Microsoft Windows
#include <WinAPIDlg.au3>
_WinAPI_RestartDlg ( [$sText = '' [, $iFlags = 2 [, $hParent = 0]]] )
$sText | [optional] The text that displays in the dialog box which prompts the user. |
$iFlags | [optional] The flags that specify the type of shutdown. This parameter must include one of the following values. $EWX_LOGOFF $EWX_POWEROFF $EWX_REBOOT (Default) $EWX_SHUTDOWN This parameter can optionally include the following values. $EWX_FORCE $EWX_FORCEIFHUNG |
$hParent | [optional] Handle to the parent window. |
Search RestartDialog in MSDN Library.